Chapter 77

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"What if they notice we're missing?" I asked Aiden as he unlocked the door to our bridal suite

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"What if they notice we're missing?" I asked Aiden as he unlocked the door to our bridal suite.

"They'll know what we're up to right now." Aiden shrugged, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over the threshold. "Welcome to your room, Mrs. Kennedy."

"I love the sound of it," I said, wrapping my arms around Aiden's neck and kissing his lips.

"Baby," he whispered against my mouth, "easy there. It's been hours of wanting you, and your husband needs to perform his duties well."

"Hours, huh?" I giggled as Aiden put me down and pressed me to him, making me feel he wasn't kidding.

Somewhere downstairs, in the garden, the party went on, with loud music and light. Here, in our suite, the only sound was our breathing and the faint noise of the waves breaking against the cliffs behind the clerestory windows overlooking the water.

"I've been staring at you all day." Aiden's strong arms encased me in an embrace as we stood in the middle of the semi-dark room.

"Me too," I whispered. "You look handsome in your suit."

"Better without it, baby." I could feel Aiden's smile as he pressed his lips to my forehead and slid his warm hands down my exposed back.

Having freed myself from his embrace, I pushed his jacket off his shoulder and down his arms, making it land on the carpeted floor. Then, I undid the buttons of Aiden's white shirt and got rid of his tie.

His frantic heartbeat under my palm told me the same thing as his eyes — he wanted me, wanted us to be together, skin on skin.

Wordlessly, I turned around and closed my eyes when Aiden moved to stand behind me and pressed his lips to the nape of my neck while his hands unzipped my dress.

Moving his lips to my shoulder, he plastered wet kisses across my skin, pushing the thin straps of the dress down and exposing me to him.
Aiden's eyes darkened when the fabric slid off my chest, letting him see all of me.

Gently, he helped me out of my dress and surprised me by kneeling in front of me, shirtless with his slacks still on him.

"I'm going to kiss you and taste you and drive you crazy before we move to that huge bed over there. Okay, baby?"

I barely had time to nod; Aiden's warm lips were on my stomach, placing heated kisses on my skin as they moved down to the semi-sheer lace covering my hips.

Freeing me from my white lingerie didn't take Aiden lots of time. As he kissed my inner thighs, I feared losing my balance in the high heels I still had on me. My grip on his hair tightened when Aiden's kisses moved to my core, hot and relentless.

The feeling of his tongue caressing me was bringing me closer to the edge with every stroke. One of his hands moved over the back of my legs, coming to rest on my behind. The other hand caressed me, following the rhythm Aiden set with his kisses, making the wave of pleasure swallow me whole as his fingers gently moved in and out of me.

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