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A/N: Italics = Flashbacks

One week had passed and Madelaine still doesn't know what to do about her sickness because she's not feeling anything yet but the doctor already advised her to start her chemotherapy as early as now but she refuses to listen. She just got out of the shower and wore a high-waist black pants, black fitted turtle neck long sleeves and white shoes. She grabbed her car keys and shades and went to Starbucks to order some coffee before going to work. While waiting for her order at the drive-thru of Starbucks, her phone rang and saw that it was Lili, she immediately answered it.

"Good morning" Madelaine happily greeted.

"Where are you now? How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Lili asked so many questions over the phone and made Madelaine giggle.

"Stop worrying so much, I'm okay and I'm on my way there" Madelaine said.

"Just stay safe always okay?" Lili said at the other line.

"I'll be fine. My coffee is here, see you later" Madelaine said, grabbing her coffee and rolled up her car window.

"Alright bye" Lili said and ended the call.

Madelaine stepped on the accelerator and went out of Starbucks. While driving, she suddenly remembered her past...


"Are you sure that you're ready to see her when you move back to Vancouver?" Madelaine's grandma asked her.

"I don't care about her anymore grandma. The end of us will not be the end of me" Madelaine said and continued packing her stuffs.

"You know, you're always welcome to come back here okay dear?" Grandma said and Madelaine hugged her.

"I will still try to visit you, grandma" she said while hugging her.


"Did you know that she's in California too?" Camila said in the other line. They are currently face timing because Madelaine is in California with her grandma while Lili and Camila is in Vancouver, shooting the last episodes of season two.

"Mads, i think she's following you" Lili said.

"Please tell me you're joking" Madelaine said.

"I wish i was" Cami said and made Madelaine worry.

"Maybe she's just having a vacation?" Madelaine asked.

"I'm not so sure about that. Roberto said that she filed an indefinite leave and she couldn't finish the remaining episodes just like what you did so they have to revise the script again" Lili said.


It's been 2 months since she moved back in her own house at Vancouver and one week since she knew about her sickness. A lot of people tried to make up stories about her and try to make up conclusions about why she left all of a sudden and left everything behind, including her on going projects, upcoming projects, and moved to California. Despite that many names that the people used for their own stories, she still remained silent and didn't even said a word. Until now, they still don't know the real reason behind why she left her work in the middle of the season.

She arrived at the set of Riverdale and Lili immediately came towards her and opened her car door.

"Lili, you don't have to do that" Madelaine said and came out of her car, holding her coffee and her phone.

"It's my job to take care of you Mads what are you even talking about?" Lili said and Madelaine just giggled.

"Hey, you're my bestfriend not my nurse or whatsoever" Madelaine said and Lili also giggled.

Lili assists Madelaine to her own trailer and helped her to settle down for a minute. Camila knocked on her trailer door and went in.

"Maaaaaads! Welcome back!" Camila said and hugged Madelaine.

"Cami, it's been two months since I got back here in Vancouver" Madelaine said while giggling.

"Yo, Welcome back on set. That's all I'm saying" Cami said and slightly pinched Madelaine's arm and they all laughed.

They were just catching up and just laughing when the door of her trailer knocked again. After three knocks, Cami opened it and found Kj and Charles outside holding hot coffee. They immediately went up and they both hugged Madelaine.

"We missed you so much! Where have you been?" Charles said while pulling away from the hug.

"As if you don't know anything about her, Charles" Kj said and slightly hit Charles' arm.

"Kidding. So how are you, Ms. California?" Charles said and they sat infront of the three girls while sipping their hot coffee.

"I missed working, i missed you all!" Madelaine said, feeling excited.

"We missed you too, Mads. Big time!" Kj said with her accent.

"I missed your accent, Kj" Madelaine said and winked at Kj. They all just laughed. They were like that for an hour until the staff called them for the final script reading because since Madelaine is back, they made some last minute changes in the story. They all gathered in a hall with a long table, all of the casts are there together with the director and the writers.

"Alright, we called you here to inform you that we made some last minute changes. Anyways, welcome back Madelaine..." Roberto announced and they all clapped for Madelaine.

"We didn't changed much in your lines. We just added scenes and twisted it to make the story more thrilling. Okay so we will start shooting right after the script reading, so Cole, Lili, Camila and Kj, After this, I will give you 2 hours to prepare for your first scenes. Nothing will change in episode one, I hope you already memorized your lines" Roberto said and the four nodded.

"Okay, start" Roberto said and pointed at Cole to start reading...

"It's the calm before the storm..." Cole started to read.

After a lot of reading, coffees and revisions, they're all set to shoot their first episode. They all went back to their respective trailers while the core 4 are getting ready for their scenes. Madelaine went back to her trailer and just opened her TV to watch some netflix movies while waiting for the staff to call her for her hair, make up and attire. She's just watching and she suddenly remembered her memories on her trailer. Sad memories...


"Stay the hell away from me, Madelaine!" Vanessa said pushing Madelaine away.

"I just want to seek some answers Vanessa! Why? How? Where did I go wrong??" Madelaine said crying and slowly sitting down in her couch.

"I love Michael more than I love you! Are you happy now?" Vanessa shouted back and Madelaine cried, hiding her face using her hands and just sobs.

"Look, this relationship? Us? This isn't real. Choni isn't real" Vanessa said while clapping in between those words.

"Then why? The sweet gestures? The sex? The kisses off cam? The dates? How about the years that we spent together?" Madelaine said still sobbing and Vanessa didn't answered her.

"Give me valid reasons! I can live my life alone but I just want some answers from you..." Madelaine stood up and shouted.

"Then leave if you can live your life ALONE. Leave!" Vanessa said and Madelaine just bolted out of the place.

And never returned.


Yay! My first chapter for this story!
I know it's a little confusing but i hope you find this story interesting. Again thank you so much for supporting my last book called "All the Love, T.R.G" if you guys haven't read it yet, then what are you waiting for? It's a Choni story by the way.

Don't forget to hit Vote and leave your comments down below. I'm actually open for suggestions and opinions about the story. I will still improve my writing because i know that it's not that polished. So yeah, i'll see you on my next chapter!!

— Author xoxo

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