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"Mads, please let me take you to the hospital! Open the door!" Madelaine's mom said while knocking on the bathroom door.

Madelaine just had her nose bleed and immediately went to the bathroom and locked it so that no one can get in. 30 minutes had passed and Madelaine was still in the bathroom. Her mother started to push the door to break in. She pushed it 5 times until she finally opened the door and saw Madelaine, trying to stop the blood from coming out of her nose by using a tissue. Madelaine's mom immediately went inside...

"Honey, let's go to the hospital okay?" Madelaine's mom said and held the arm of Madelaine but she refuses to go.

"Please leave me alone!" Madelaine said.

"No, you're not in a good condition right now. Just please, let us take you so that you can survive this" her mom said while crying.

"I don't want to stay alive!" Madelaine shouted.

"I was disappointed every time I open my eyes in the morning. Why can't I just die in my sleep? Why am I still given another day to live when I don't have a fucking reason to live anymore? Why?!" Madelaine said while crying so hard and catching her breath.

"You have your daughter and you have us. We are the reason for you to live" Madelaine's mom said while crying.

"Yes. But hell I can't even give my daughter a proper family because Vanessa pushed me away again. So what a great way to live!" Madelaine said sarcastically.

"Please, just do this for us" Madelaine's mom said and she held the hands of Madelaine.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to live anymore. Just let me be. Go back to California just leave me here in Vancouver mom please" Madelaine said.

"I cannot do that! You're going to the hospital whether you like it or not!" Madelaine's mom said and dragged Madelaine out of the room but Madelaine is pulling herself away. She pushed her mom out of the door and closed the door again.

It's been a week since her last conversation with Vanessa, Madelaine stopped going to the hospital, refuses to eat. She didn't want to stay alive and always having suicidal thoughts. Her family is still trying to convince her to get treated but she always refuses to go. She became like that ever since Vanessa left her.

On the other hand, Vanessa was still trying to get over Madelaine while making herself busy on set but she couldn't get her out of her head. She's still having sleepless nights and she also lost her appetite. She want to go to Madelaine so bad but she couldn't because of her mother. She didn't meant what she said to Madelaine at the hotel. She just did that because of Madelaine's mom.

*knock knock*

Vanessa's at her trailer, having a break and just staring blankly at her phone without doing anything and suddenly heard a knock at her door which made her snap back to reality. She stood up and opened the door, revealing Camila holding two boxes of pizza.

"Pizza?" Camila said with a big grin.

"Come in" Vanessa plainly said and Camila came in and handed Vanessa the boxes.

"What are you doing here by the way? Isn't it your next scene to film?" Vanessa asked and sat down. Camila sat down beside her.

"I just want to check up on you. You've been so distant with us lately and you always look so sad... this is the least I can do to make you feel better" Camila said and rubbed the arm of Vanessa.

"Thank you but you don't have to do that. I'm fine" Vanessa plainly said.

"You're not a good liar. I can see that in your face and actions. So please V, spill" Cami said.

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