Twenty Three

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I was just sitting on the floor, outside Madelaine's room, staring blankly at the wall in front of me. My hands are covered with blood, feeling numb but my heart isn't. I can feel the pain, the pain that killed me emotionally and mentally. It feels like I was drowning in pain and no one is here to save me because Madelaine is not here anymore.

She's dead...

I called her mother and told her the incident, she was really shocked and was crying so bad. I'm just waiting for her to come here...

"Ms. Morgan? Please sign this paper" the doctor came to me and kneeled down on my level.

"What's that" I said coldly.

"To make the death of Ms. Madelaine official. So we could contact her insurance company and all" the doctor said.

And there you go... Hearing about this is literally killing me. My tears started falling down again like it's the first time that I hear this terrifying news.

That Madelaine is gone and not coming back.

"I know it's hard for you right now, I've been there a lot of times in my life but you have to accept everything. That's life, sometimes, it will make you feel like you want to kill yourself but you see, all of these experiences will eventually make you better and stronger than you will ever be. I'm so sorry for your loss Ms. Morgan. Stay strong" the doctor said while still kneeling down and rubbing my arm. She left the paper at the chair beside me and just left me there. I started crying again and having suicidal thoughts in my head.

If I kill myself, maybe... just maybe, I will finally see Madelaine and be with her forever?

I'm just staring blankly at the wall again and someone gave me a paper bag that contains foods and drinks in it. I looked up and saw Madelaine's mom, smiling at me while tearing up at the same time.

"You have to stay alive. So eat up" Madelaine's mom said which made me think about that girl who sat beside me at the cafeteria back in grade school when no one wants to sit with me and eat lunch with me. The girl who saved my life but she probably didn't know that she did saved me from my thoughts of killing myself.

I can still remember her face until now. She's light skinned, with plump lips, chubby cheeks and red- hair.... wait, red hair?

"There was this time... I was in a dark place, I was bullied back in grade school, I was studying at Miami High and this girl sat beside me and ate lunch with me and said that exact phrase which saved me from killing myself... she was a redhead like you and Mads" I said with my cracking voice and Madelaine's mom sat with me on the floor.

"Honey, Madelaine used to attend classes at Miami High as well but we decided to transfer her to other school because we don't have the budget at that time to support her... tuition fee and all the school needs. When she's at Miami High, everytime that I pick her up, she's been talking about this little girl. She said that this girl is so strong that no matter how hard they bully her, she still attends class and never misses one but then her last day at that school came, I picked her up and she said, she shared her lunch with that girl that she always mention because she felt at that moment that the girl needed help... and I taught her that phrase. That whenever life knocks you down, you should stay alive and eat up in order for you to be stronger to face all the challenges that you will encounter" Madelaine's mom said and started tearing up.

"I thought I lost the girl who saved my life back then. I thought, I'd never see her again because I don't know a single information about her... But she's been with me all these years. I-" I said but couldn't finish my sentence because I felt so much pain in my chest.

"You are that little girl, she's talking about every single day" Madelaine's mom said and hugged me tight which made my burst into tears. She's just rubbing back until I calm down.

All this time
All these years

She's been there for me, and now, I totally lost her for the rest of my life. I wish I was there to save her like what she did before to save me.

Madelaine's mom pulled away from the hug and grabbed the paper and pend beside us. She read it and was so shocked. She read it again for the second time...

"Death Certificate?" Madelaine's mom asked and my tears fell down again.

"Death Certificate of Madelaine Carson? I think this is a mistake" Madelaine's mom said and gave me the paper.

"Ms. Morgan!" the staff from the front desk care running towards us with the doctor.

"I'm sorry. I came running here as soon as I find out that I led you to the wrong room and wrong patient. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience" the staff said.

I felt alive. I immediately stood up and helped mom to stand up.

"Wha- how- where is she then?" I said with my shaking voice.

"She in a private ICU room now. We put her there since the reporters were outside, waiting for an interview but if you don't want us to share the details with them then we will not spill anything and just make her medical record private. Ms. Petsch lost a lot of blood and we need to get her blood donors before it's too late. Though we have an extra bag that matches her blood type but it will just extend her life. We still need more blood for her. Her condition is still critical for now and she's still unconscious. We revived her 3 times a while ago and brought her back to life, she's breathing now but we have our nurses there to check up on her from time to time. We need to act fast here. Her blood type is AB, who among here has the same blood type as hers?" the doctor said.

"I know one person who has the same blood type as hers.... Toni" Madelaine's mom said.

"Mom, she's not included in the options that we have. She's only 7 years old, she can't donate blood at her age" I said and rubbed mom's arm. I understand why she said that because I know that she's freaking out and so do I but I need to think wiser and figure this out.

Now's my time to save Madelaine.

"I'll head out to find a blood donor. Please take care of Madelaine for me. Please" I said and hugged mom tight and ran out.

While I was walking pass the emergency room, I saw some nurses ran out of the emergency door, they're panicking. What is happening?

As I walk out of the door. I saw an ambulance parked in front of the door while the nurses were assisting the patient inside.

As I walk towards them, I saw a bed full of blood. They transferred the patient to a moving bed and bring it to the emergency room but after they transfer the patient, I had a closer look of the patient.

I can't get a clearer look about who she was so I decided to walk towards the unconscious patient but they moved it inside. I ran with them and tried to stop them...

"Wait!!!" I shouted  while running with them and trying to get a closer look and one if the nurses looked at me.

"Ma'am, please move away. We have to take her to the emergency room" the nurse said but I refused to listen. Instead, I ran in front of them and stopped them.

"Wait!!! Stop!!!!" I shouted and they all stopped.

I leaned closer to get a closer look and found out that....


It's fucking Toni!

- -

Okay, I apologize for this one haha. I love y'all so much and I promise to compose a better ending for this story! I've been thinking about having a sequel for this story... Let me know if you like it too. Last 2 chapters! Let's go!

Peace!! x

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