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It's the 3rd week of Madelaine's chemo. Vanessa is still working on set but since she's only given short lines and scenes, she can still manage to accompany Madelaine to the doctor and pick up Toni from school. There was never a day that she's given an opportunity to rest. All she did is to work and take care of her two angels but she's not complaining about it and she's never tired or exhausted when it comes to her family. Every rest day on set, some of the casts visits Madelaine on their house to hang out with her and to entertain her.

"V, we have a rest day tomorrow. Can we go to your house to hangout with Mads?" Cami said. They're at the wardrobe trailer, trying outfits for the scene.

"You don't have to ask me about that, you guys are free to come hangout with us anytime" Vanessa said and went to the fitting room to change. Cami is taking a photo of her outfit to send for approval. After a minute, Vanessa went out of the fitting room...

"Damn Morgan, you look so hot as fuck" Cami said.

"I can't believe the students that wear this revealing shit at school" Vanessa said and giggles.

"They don't actually. Only riverdale high allows that" Cami said and wink. Vanessa took a photo of her outfit to send for approval and they both head to Cami's trailer to chill. They're just drinking coffee and talking and scrolling through their phones for two hours, they were just enjoying each other's company while waiting for their scenes.

"Do you still have scenes to shoot?" Cami asked.

"Yes, I still have a last scene for this day, why?" Vanessa replied.

"But aren't you going to pick up Toni at school?" Cami said.

"Oh shit! What time is it now?" Vanessa immediately stood up and grabbed her car keys and her phone.

"4 o'clock pm" Cami simply said and giggled.

"Crap, their dismissal time is 3 o'clock! She's been waiting there for an hour now... I have to go" Vanessa went out, she ran to her car and bolted out. She was on her way to the school but Madelaine called her...

"Babe? I'm so sorry, I'm on my way to pick Toni up" Vanessa said while driving.

"She's already here. Go back on set now" Madelaine said coldly on the other line.

"What? Who picked her up?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't know who. Her best friend's aunt drove Toni home a while ago" Madelaine said on the other line.

"I'm so sorry... I'll see you two in a bit, I love you" Vanessa said and she got a beep as a response. The call has ended. Vanessa made a U turn and went back on set she went straight to Cami's trailer instead of hers.

"Wow, that was fast" Cami said.

"I'm screwed Cami. I think Madelaine's mad at me" Vanessa said.

"Oh no... But how's Toni?" Cami asked, looking concerned.

"Someone drove Toni home a while ago" Vanessa said and sit beside Cami.

"Who?" Cami asked.

"I don't know. Toni's best friend's aunt I think?" Vanessa said.

"Confusing... anyways, we have to go... like now for our makeup" Cami said and dragged Vanessa out.

After they had their make up session, they went straight to the last scene for this day and shoot. Vanessa was obviously out of her mind because she was thinking about Madelaine. She had so many takes before they approve her scene. Cami was motivating Vanessa and cheering her up in between the takes. They all wrapped everything up and called it a night. Camila and Vanessa was on their way to their respective trailers to grab their stuff.

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