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Madelaine was trying to calm herself down and to act like everything's fine but she can't handle the pain that she's feeling anymore. She's all alone in her house because her mom left her. She doesn't know what to do, there's no one she can hold on to. She got no one right now.

But this is what she wants...

To die.

She's sweating so bad, her pale skin became more pale together with her lips. Her whole body is shivering, and from time to time, her nose is bleeding and she's coughing a little blood too. She's trying so hard to hold on and to just feel the pain and just wait for her time to die. She wanted this to happen. She's not doing anything to treat the pain instead, she's tolerating it...

She used all her remaining energy to stand up, she walked slowly and went downstairs, she's planning to go to her garden and to just sit there and wait for her time but the moment that she step at the last stair, her legs just felt weak and she fell.

Madelaine closed her eyes, waiting for her face and whole body to be slammed on the floor, waiting to feel the pain but she felt little arms around her, carrying her...

"I'm here Mads... I'm here now" a familiar voice said, and catching breath in between the sentence.

Madelaine slowly opened her eyes...

Her pale face became warm and red.
Her obsession to die became a desire to kiss
the girl who's in front of her right now.

She was once lost,
But now she's already been found.

They were like in the movies,
The whole scene was in slow motion.

"If this was a dream, don't wake me up" Madelaine said, still not into her own reality.

"This is much better than a dream" Vanessa said while still wearing her on set make up and costume and still in tears, trying to breathe in the snot that is coming out of her nose and it made Madelaine snap back to her reality.

"V-Vanessa?! Wha-" Madelaine immediately pulled away from Vanessa and she just hugged Madelaine again.

"Stay aw-" Madelaine said while trying to pull away from Vanessa but Vanessa hugged her tight.

"I'm here now... I'm not going anywhere. Ever again" Vanessa said and that helped Madelaine calm down.

Madelaine stopped pushing Vanessa and she just let her do that for another minute. When Vanessa felt that Madelaine was already calmed, she pulled away from the hug...

"Why are you even here. I thought you have nothing to do with me" Madelaine said while looking at Vanessa.

"I can explain everything"

Vanessa and Madelaine looked at the door and saw Madelaine's mom there slowly closing the door. She walked slowly towards the two. Vanessa moved back a little and Madelaine's mom held the hands of her daughter.

"I made Vanessa stay away from you... I became selfish. I just didn't want the past to happen again so I talked to Vanessa about that. That's why she tried to stay away from you but she didn't mean all of it. She really loves you dear. She tried to fight for you and your daughter but it is me who couldn't accept that fact. I'm sorry, dear" her mom said while rubbing the hands of Madelaine by using her thumb. Her mom is sobbing and suddenly felt a light kiss on her cheeks which she already knew the meaning of that gesture.

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