Twenty One

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The school invited Vanessa and Madelaine to accompany Toni on their family day. Vanessa filed a leave from work and Madelaine doesn't have any appointment with the doctor so it's the perfect time for them to hang out as one family. They went to a private resort that the school rented for the overnight event.

They went to their respective rooms to unpack for an hour while the staffs prepare for the morning program.

"Aghh, It feels so good to have an outing with the whole family. I needed this" Madelaine said while looking at the view of the beach over the window.

"We needed this babe" Vanessa said and hugged Madelaine from behind and kissed her neck and made Madelaine warm...

"I'm ready to play!!" Toni shouted and broke up the tension between the two.

"Babe, you can't go out of the sun and play okay? You might get tired. I'll just accompany Toni there. Just watch us from afar. We have seats there at our balcony, you can see us up here for sure" Vanessa said and Madelaine pouted.

"But you'll lose without me" Madelaine said.

"Watch us beat everyone there, right baby?" Vanessa said and winked at Madelaine.

"Yes mum!!" Toni said and flexed her little arms infront of Madelaine.

They all laughed. Vanessa continues to unpack their stuffs while Madelaine was playing with Toni in the bed.

After a couple of minutes, the staff called everyone out and gathered them infront of the stage. Vanessa and Toni went out while Madelaine stayed at their room and went out to sit on the balcony to watch them.

All of the parents were there for their children. They were all lined up according to their sections. Some parents and children recognizes Vanessa Morgan so they took a photo with her there. Madelaine was smiling to see how proud Toni was for Vanessa. Their section is the most popular team because of Vanessa and Toni.

"Petsch Family?" The adviser is having a roll call to check if the team is complete.

"Present!" Vanessa and Toni shouted.

"Iglesias Family?" Vanessa froze for a minute after hearing what the adviser just said.

"Present" Vero went to Vanessa's side with Liza on her hand.

"Hey, about what I've said last time..." Vero whispered at Vanessa.

"Forget about it, let's just have fun with the kids today" Vanessa said and hugged her daughter from behind.

After a lot of introductions, the first game began... The game is called newspaper dance, in which they have to dance and wait for the music to stop, and when it stopped, they must step in the newspaper and never let their feet go out of the newspaper after another round, they will fold the newspaper into two and do it again until the newspaper that they need to step on is too small for the two.

Each section must choose two families to play the game. They immediately volunteered Vanessa and Toni and a lot of people are volunteering themselves to partner with them but immediately Vero and Liza stepped in.

The game started, Vanessa and Vero in one newspaper and Liza and Toni in one newspaper, if one of them fails to step on the newspaper or land a feet outside the newspaper, the two sets will automatically be eliminated.

The music started, all of the teams were infront and started dancing. Vanessa was feeling awkward to dance because her partner was Vero while Toni was really feeling the beat with Liza. The music finally stopped and the teams started to put their feet in the newspaper. The first round was easy, they can still put both of their feet in the newspaper. Until the news paper became smaller and smaller, only one foot can get in. Some of the teams fell down and got eliminated, only 3 teams are left. The game became more intense. They started to dance.

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