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Hey! Are you coming with
us at KJ's place later?

No. I'm feeling really
tired right now. I couldn't
even move properly  😖

Are you okay??
Wait, i'll be there in a bit.

Yes please, i need you

- -

Madelaine was just laying in her bed, sweating so bad, feeling tired and she can't move properly. She's not in pain but she just can't explain what she's feeling at the moment. After 15 minutes, Lili immediately went up in Madelaine's bedroom to check up on her. She saw Madelaine shivering and she's sweating so bad. Her lips looked pale and so is her skin, not her usual skin tone but it is more pale this time. Lili put her palm on Madelaine's forehead and felt that she has a fever. She immediately went down to get a towel and some warm water. She went up and put the water and towel at the bed table and went to her closet to grab some new clothes. She put Madelaine's blanket away saw all her bruises in her arms and legs.

"Mads, do you want me to change your clothes or you can do it yourself?" Lili asked while tapping her cheek lightly.

"Uhmhmhm" Madelaine couldn't speak properly and she's still shivering so Lili just decided to put her clothes away leaving her on her underwear. She grabbed the towel and dipped it in warm water and started to wipe it to her body. After that, she grabbed Madelaine's clothes and started putting it on her. After that, she sat beside Madelaine just staring at her. It was her first time seeing Madelaine like this, weak, sick, pale.

"T-thank you, Lili" Madelaine softly said.

"Where did you get those bruises Mads... I'm pretty sure it's not the symptoms of breast cancer" Lili said while massaging Madelaine's forehead.

"Bruises? What do you mean?" Madelaine said.

"Well you have bruises in your arms and legs" Lili said and Madelaine looked at it.

"Where did I get these? I haven't done anything aside from sleeping" Madelaine said still looking at her bruises.

"Did you had a second opinion before?" Lili said, still massaging Madelaine's forehead.

"No..." Madelaine just simply said.

"Then we'll get one today. Screw KJ's party when your life is at stake here" Lili said and assisted Madelaine to stand up.

Lili opened the door while holding Madelaine's waist revealing Antoinette just waiting there for her mother.

"Mum?" Antoinette said just looking at her weak mother.

"Hey baby..." Madelaine said and faked a smile.

"Are woo sick?" Antoinette said starting to tear up.

"No baby. Your mom and I have to go somewhere okay? Be a good girl while we're gone" Lili said, tapping the head of Antoinette and they immediately went downstairs and went to the car of Lili. While they're on their way to a different hospital, Madelaine are making a call...

"Hello? Can you go to my house and take care of Antoinette for a while? Make sure that she eats her meals and all okay? Thank you" Madelaine said and ended the call.

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