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Vanessa and Madelaine went to work, holding hands with a smile on their faces. Imagine when Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz walk down the school's hallway in slow motion, they're like that right now. The staff and other casts were looking at them with a smile on their faces as well. They arrived at the trailer of Vanessa and before they open the door, Roberto immediately saw them.

"Good morning to the both of you" Roberto greeted them and they looked at Roberto, still smiling.

"Good morning!" Madelaine greeted back.

"I see you two are in a good mood today... I hate to break your intimacy right now but can I talk to you, Madelaine?" Roberto said and Madelaine nodded. She looked at Vanessa and she winked at her even though she doesn't know how to wink and Vanessa giggled because of that.

"I'll just be right here. Don't worry" Vanessa said and Madelaine came with Roberto.

Roberto and Madelaine went to a tent on set, they sat down facing each other.

"Welcome back, Madelaine" Roberto started the conversation while smiling.

"Thank you and sorry for my absence" Madelaine said.

"That's why I came to talk to you personally regarding this matter" Roberto said and Madelaine nodded and prepared her ears to listen.

"What is really happening to you?" Roberto asked and Madelaine is having second thoughts if she can tell her situation to Roberto.

"It's okay, I will keep all of this as a secret" Roberto gave Madelaine an assurance.

"I will tell you but I don't want the press or even the public to know about this" Madelaine said.

"My lips are sealed. I just want to understand your current situation so I can adjust your schedules and scenes" Roberto gave Madelaine an assurance again.

"Okay..." Madelaine said and clears her throat.

"I have leukaemia..." Madelaine added and Roberto's jaw dropped and the ballpen that he's holding was also dropped on the floor.

"Wh- what?" Roberto asked.

"And I will start my chemo next week so I won't be able to go to work anymore" Madelaine said but she's smiling.

"No oh my god. I'm so sorry for even letting you go to work right now. I didn't know" Roberto said.

"It's okay, I really love working with you and the casts" Madelaine said and giggles.

"So this is your last week to work?" Roberto asked again.

"Yes sir" Madelaine politely answered.

"Okay then I will arrange your schedule and we will revise the script pronto. I will update you later but for now, settle down first in your trailer before you get your hair and make up done. Take care of yourself okay?" Roberto said.

"I got Vanessa to take care of me" Madelaine said while smirking.

"That's good then... thank you for trusting me and I promise to keep it private and will make sure that this concern will not leave at this tent" Roberto said and held the hands of Madelaine.

"Thank you for respecting that" Madelaine said and smiled sincerely.

"Okay, run along. You have some work to do" Roberto said and Madelaine nodded and went out of the tent.

Instead of going to her own trailer, she immediately went to Vanessa's trailer and went in. She saw Vanessa lying down in her couch, sleeping soundly. Madelaine lays down with her, fitting herself on the couch and just cuddled with her. Vanessa woke up because Madelaine was trying to be a big spoon in a small couch.

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