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Camila raised her glass to Vanessa and she did the same. They're currently at the living room of Vanessa, drinking a bottle of tequila and just playing some songs. Vanessa already told Camila about what happened and now, Vanessa's just planning to get drunk.

"Is it really okay for you to get drunk right now?" Camila asked and took a sip at her glass of tequila.

"It's the only way to get away with this pain that I'm feeling..." Vanessa said and drank full shot.

"It's just temporary though" Cami said.

"I'd still grab it" Vanessa said.

"What are you going to do in the next 3 days without Mads and your daughter?" Cami asked and tears started to fall down again on Vanessa's cheeks.

"I don't know. Maybe just move on? Just like what her mom said?" Vanessa answered and drank the whole glass of tequila again, full shot.

"Hey, I thought you'll never give up on them? What's happening to you?" Cami asked again.

"Just being me, Vanessa Fucking Morgan. Who always fuck things up, who always fall, who-" Vanessa said but Cami put her point finger to Vanessa's lips to stop her from talking.

"Stop right there. Don't say another word. Please don't let these things ruin you. You'll get through this okay?" Cami said to lift up Vanessa who is currently tearing up again.

"So stop crying, chin up and think of ways on how we can solve this problem. Don't worry, I got your back" Cami said and she wiped out the tears of Vanessa. After that, Cami opened her arms wide and Vanessa hugged her tight. Camila was rubbing Vanessa's back to calm her down.

"Cheer up okay? And please stop crying. I don't want to see you and your silly ass puffy eyes again. It doesn't suit you" Cami jokingly said which made Vanessa giggle.

Vanessa drank again the whole glass and felt numbness on her face. She is already tipsy.

"This is the best part of the night" Vanessa said, her cheeks turned red.

"What is?" Cami asked while still hugging and slightly tapping the shoulder of Toni.

"Numbness... like as if I don't feel any pain" Vanessa said sadly. They were just hugging each other until Vanessa's apartment door opened, revealing Madelaine in her pajamas, catching her breath. Camila immediately stood up and went to Madelaine, leaving Vanessa sitting and feeling tipsy.

"Mads? What are you doing here at this hour? You should be sleeping now. It's not good for your health" Cami said, looking worried.

"Vanessa left my house without saying goodbye to me, I called her a thousand times but she never pick up, I was so worried so I came here. I guess I already know the reason why" Madelaine said and crossed her arms.

"No Mads, It's not what you think" Cami said, trying to explain the situation but Madelaine refuses to listen.

"Same old Vanessa huh?" Madelaine said while looking at the drunk Vanessa just sleeping in her couch.

Madelaine slammed the door closed and bolted out of the place.

"V wake up! Madelaine just went here! I think she misunderstood us" Cami trying to shake Vanessa to wake her up. Vanessa immediately stood up and she became sober because of what she heard. She took out her phone and saw Madelaine's 156 missed calls and 78 text messages.

"Oh shoot" Vanessa said white scrolling through her messages. She then tried to contact her back but Madelaine refuses to pick it up.

Time skip: 5 hours

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