A very awkward breakfast

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dean woke up with cas by his side. Why was cas sleeping next to him, why was cas in his bed?! dean sat up sleepy but blushing like mad as he looked at cas, his face was so calm and peaceful as he slept. Cas didn't have a shirt on, Wait is he naked? Dean quickly looked down at himself and questioned why his was naked to. dean let out a little yelp as he started to panic as everything that happened, everything they did last night rushed to his mind. he tried to get out of bed to grab his pants from the floor but dean felt a pain near his ass as it was sore, he got up and staggered to his pants and as quickly as he could dean tried to put them on trying not to fall over due to his wobbly legs. he took one last long look at cas as he rushed out his bedroom door after putting his shirt on. dean help his brother cook breakfast and cas came in after Sam left the kitchen, dean tried to put the pans away but he felt arms wrap around him.

"good morning Deannie." cas said while standing behind dean. dean couldn't help but think that cas had a sexy morning voice. when cas spoke it sent chills down deans spine as he remembered the night they had together. cas smirked then started to giggle at how tense dean was, "its okay love." cas said as he let go of deans torso and walked out the room to the table. dean just stood there like an Assbutt blushing like mad as he watched him walk out the room. after putting the pots away dean walked over to the table. cas snuck a smirk at him before Sam came in. they all ate in a awkward silence as dean picked at his food as he didn't really wanna eat (yes for once dean did not want food). before long Sam stared to taking asking questions. "what happened last night you two aren't talking" Sam asked looking at dean, "did one of you sleep walk and ended up hugging each other?" dean looked down at the floor as he blushed and thought to himself we did a lot more then just hug, he heard cas laugh so he looked up again. wow cas was really good at acting. dean looked at Sam as he said "hey dude I'm done with food so I'm go to my room get ready for the job I found just outside of town only a little job."

"hey dean why do you take cas its pretty boring here, he could also use training if his gonna become a hunter." Sam said. dean slowly nodded and walked to the door he knew there was no point is arguing with Sam as 99% of the time he lost. as dean passed by cas he touched his ass, dean stared blushing like an dickhead as cas smiled to himself and flowed dean down the hall. dean was glad that Sam's back was to them. they walked down the hall a bit to fast for deans wobbly legs as he fell as he tried to run and hide his embarrassment from cas. "can you still go hunting today" cas asked as he crouched down next to dean giving him a hand up. "y... yeah ill be okay." dean said as he takes cas's hand and got up as soon as dean was standing on his feet cas pulled him closer and leaned down to deans ear. "don't worry ill be gentler but for now ill carry you to your room Deannie." after cas said that he picked den up bridal style and carried him to his room to get ready.

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