cas's wings

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dean always dreamed that his darked haired angel would take him on a date but his hope was getting low as it had nearly been a year since cas stood in dean's doorway and asked if he was single and that he wanted to starting hunting with the boy. it was lunch time and Sam was out catching up with some of his old friends from university cas believed them to be called Garth, meg and Jody but cas didn't really care what they names where he was just glade that him and dean had some alone time and that Sam was staying on the other side of town with bobby and him and dean in one of Booby safe house, as cas had a question for dean and a small surprise.

Castiel walks over to the tv by the small window and turns it off to and look at dean as he asks Dean if he would like to visit a dinner on the other side of town near bobby's house then go out after to find "something to do." Dean, now sure that Sam and Bobby are getting a little bit suspicious of there closeness and declines the offer. "Sorry, Cassie, I'm tired after that hunt them twins where hard to get rid off plus Getting flung down four flight of stairs by a very pissed-off spirit really does take a toll on you cas." dean chuckles and makes his way over to the bed. "oh deanie, you were the one who provoked them saying, and I quote, 'come on what are you gonna do, throw me down some steps?'" cas said looking at dean with a worried but sarcastic look. "I'd like a shower and I'm sure you two would uh-" dean thinks about his wording. "like to rest or something." Dean cringes inwardly. "Yeah, I guess i could but I don't need to dean I'm an angel of the lord." cas says as he walks over and lays on the bed next to were dean's sitting The air between the two of them starts to feels thick and heavy for a short amount of time.

in dean's head, his anxiety is screaming so loud for him to run to baby and just drive to go and hide somewhere no one will find him, dean's embarrassed and the red that quickly covers his face and neck burns like the fire from hell what makes him need to force the tears to the back of his eyes so they wouldn't just fall down his face like two waterfalls. He can't bring himself to look at cas, and he doesn't know why. He cant help but think that Sam, Bobby know about him and cas and that there'd be just as disappointed in him as he dad was when he told his dad that he wasn't straight. although he knows that realistically it shouldn't matter if they know it shouldn't matter who knows, but something in his mind is on high alert, sounding every bell and whistle in his head and lighting every flashing light it can find. His body stiffens, eyes fixed straight ahead looking out the window at baby. The breath in his chest halts completely as he feels his fingers twitching on their own accord. Every call of his name sounds so far away it feels like cas is worlds away trying to call out his name, cas puts his hand on dean's shoulder what adds some pressure, which dean recognizes to be his angel hands however it feels as though it's separated by billons of layers of clothing instead of the one layer his actual has on. His vision starts to blur as the tightening grip of anxiety climbs up his spine. cas places his other hand on dean's what makes dean's neck to snap in the direction of cas. Castiel's face is soft and full of concern for the his Winchester. "Dean, can you hear me?" Castiel's voice is fuzzy and far away, but Dean understands enough of the question to be able to force a small nod what helps dean override a considerable amount his anxiety what lets the panic start to evict his body. Dean feels the familiar presence of Castiel's grace flowing through him, but this time its not laced with lust or pleasure, but with care and calm. With the help of the angelic grace flowing through him, Dean is able to regulate and come back to the present moment.

"I think you had a panic attack, baby, Dean, are you alright?" Cas's voice is lowered as not to startle him as he stands up to crouches beside Dean, resting a hand on the man's forearm. No grace flows through this touch as Castiel rubs his thumb back and forth in a comforting manner. "I - I think so, I'm just, I think that Sam and Bobby knows, and I'm not ready for him to know, I freaked out for a second, but I'm okay now I think, thank you for stepping in with your grace, I don't know what happened," Dean rambles but Castiel is fine-tuned on every word. Cass hums in understanding and lets a comfortable silence fall between them. cas stands up taking hold of dean's hands, The comfort that this simple action brings Dean is almost overwhelming for him. Castiel feels admiration flow through him as he holds on to Dean's hand for dear life. Dean stands up and leans his head on Castiel's shoulder, emotions not needing to be spoken. there hands just now dropping their grip from each other, Dean heads straight to the shower. Castiel can read from his body language that he needs a moment alone. cas takes off his shirt and goes over to the radio truing it on and picking a cd from the pile next to it to play he soon walks over to open his bag in search of the one change of clothes they'd brought. The soft pyjama pants and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, that had both belonged to Dean at one point. Castiel hears the water begin running in the bathroom as He undresses and puts on the pyjamas, leaving his top half exposed so that his wings can have a moment to unfurl.

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