the drive back to the bunker

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Sam's driving as Dean was tired and he was just waiting for them to tell him that they were together he had always thought they'd look cute together and they do . his brother an angel he never would have guessed but he like it was really cute but he just wanted to see if dean or cas told him before saying anything just in case they weren't dating.

Dean and cas where sitting in the back of baby, Dean had wrapped his arms around cas. Cas rested his head on dean's chest for a few seconds before leaning up to kiss dean on his forehead before dean could pull away Dean grasped as cas pulled him in to a kiss dean did kiss back before pulling away to stop it going to far. "Cas, Sam In the front he could see." dean whispered screamed! "yeah and his there when we're hutting but that doesn't stop you from kissing me at times does it deanie." Cas huffed. Dean could feel his cheeks going red at the memories of pulling cas aside or calling cas for help just so he could kiss him with out his brother seeing hopefully. " that's different I think cassie." dean said and Cas just chuckled and pulled dean to his chest. "are you sure your just tired Dean, you just got thrown through a brick wall baby?" Dean nodded against cas chest and started to smile like a dork as he locked his arms around cas's back. Cas leaned down to kiss dean's messy brown hair then lifted his chin up to kiss dean on the lips and cheek. "cas ill show you how fine I am when Sam's not around." Dean smirked. "be ready cassie." Cas's eyes widened as a blush creeped over his face and he nuzzled in to dean's neck whilst stocking Dean's hair. "cas you know I'm not going to stop prying dirty little thing to you and kissing you on huts are in the back of this car until you get a boner right." Dean said with a new found confident. cas stared to tenses up as dean looked up to capture his lips in a small sweet kiss. "dean I thought you said Sam's in the front and you don't want him to see." Cas said. "meh I don't really care I'm having fun cassie." dean muttered in to Cas's chest and smiled. "wake me up when were near home cas." Cas looked down to meet tiered green eyes and rolled his eyes and went back to stroking Dean's messy hair, Dean tightened his grip embrace on cas and fell asleep to cas heart beat. "love you cassie." dean mumbled. "love you to baby boy." Cas said kissing dean's hair, whilst holding his sleepy hunter in his arm.

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