Drunk love

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"Was castiel really going to leave me if I couldn't get myself together and stop making demon deals?! Was he just going to go back to heaven and leave me here like nothing ever happened?" dean thinks to himself as he walks around the woods but his eyes started to sting and his vision got a bit blurry. Dean blinks and soon tears start to fall down his face like waterfalls he stars to stumble and he stars to trip over this small rock as he falls dean hits someone and trips over. castiel falls on top of dean just barely missing deans face with his palms that now pin dean to the ground. "Dean why are you-" Dean shoves cas off him and walks away before cas could finish that sentence. Dean walks as quick as he could to baby, did I just left cas in the middle of a case In the freaking woods he thinks to himself, he sits in baby and slams the car door to soon whisper "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to slam the door." One voice In deans head telling him he couldn't win cas as he would never be able to sort himself out so why not just get drunk and pretend everything ok. However another voice tells him that he could at least try after all it would be for his angle.

As soon as Dean got back to the bunker he goes to the kitchen and pulls out a 12 pack of beer and slowly walks to his room making sure Sammy don't see him. Dean has never really got drunk with out being at a bar with some hot chick or with out Sam because of what dean does when his drunk. hewishes that cas was here with him dean wants to rap his arms around cas and tell him that he loves him an that'd he would try his hardest to get himself together but at the same time dean doesn't want to be anywhere near cas not in this state. Dean doesn't really care anymore its got to the point that dean just don't want to think right now. dean is just finishing his tenth bottle when he hears a knock on the door.

Dean is now very drunk only after ten beers he's words has begain to slur and he isn't thinking straight. Cas walks in and Dean instantly gets up and heads over to him. "Hi cassie..." He says very flirtatiously, as he grabs cas's hands and leads him towards the bed. (Yes Dean is a sexual predator drunk.) Dean sits on cas's lap facing towards his face. Cas just glares at the table and then the ten open beer cans. Great he's drunk cas thinks. Dean leans into cas neck and starts sucking on the flesh trying his hardest to give him a very noticeable hickey. Cas groans a little and starts running his hands through Dean's hair. Dean smiles into the hickey and pulls away happily. Dean is so happy with himself that the hickey is very noticeable on cas's pale skin. Dean looks up at cas and rests his head on cas forehead before making out with him. Cas's pants start getting a little tight. Ugh if Dean keeps this up I'm gonna to have a full on boner cas starts thinking. Cas and dean moan into a kiss. Dean starts kissing up cas jaw line and sucking on cas's ear. Dean stars grinding his ass against cas's boner and smiles like a little child in a candy shop, cas stifles a moan. No I can't do it with him now he's drunk ugh I'll just help him with his hanger over after I put him to sleep, castiel says to himself but disappointed at the truth. He begins to stand up but dean wraps his legs around cas waist and holds cas's neck with his arms. Then starts kissing him again. Wow this is gonna be harder than I thought cas muttered to himself. cas prays dean off of him and sit him on the bed. "dean if you sleep now I'll cuddle with you when you wake up." cas says and dean slowly nods as cas kisses deans forehead before going to clean up the beer bottles. It is uncomfortable to walk and dean is still awake and looking at him noticing how funny castiel is walking. dean starts to giggle as he says in a confident tone. "Are you hard cassie?" castiel slowly starts to turn around to face dean. "If you let me help you I'll go to sleep." cas thought about it. dean just offered to help him with his problem and he says he'll sleep after. Fine it sounds like a good deal anyways. "Fine but promise you'll go to sleep." "Promise." dean says as he slips out his covers and motions cas to sit on his bed. cas sits down and dean starts to remove his pants then his underwear he starts to blush then licks at the head before taking it fully into his mouth. His head bobs up and down then he stops and licks the whole side of his length. As dean continue to blow him cas is loving the expressions on deans face while trying not to moan to loud as they don't want Sam hearing. As dean bobs up and down cas is was starting to reach his climax. He thrusts a bit into dean mouth as dean hums against cas's member. cas climaxes into deans mouth and dean has no second thought in swallowing it. "Thank you." dean squeaks. cas just slowly nods still coming down from his high and dean crawls around him to go to sleep. cas pulls his boxers and pants up before leaning over to dean to wipe of a little cum from the side of deans mouth he laughs and once again kisses dean's forehead.

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