Don't give me a boner winchester

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another case lead the three boys to Texas, Dallas dean was driving with Sam in the front as cas was going to meet them there as he had something to do in heaven when they got to a hotel the boys got out and dean went to stand by the back door of baby. Sam groaned "really dean why do I have to carry the hunting bags they are so heavy!" with that said two big soft jet black wings had appeared one draping over dean's shoulder "hey Sam, dean how are you dean are you okay?" cas asked while looking up at the green eye's he'd grown to love as he hide his wings from sight. "Yeah." dean grunted while he took the hunting bags for Sam even though he had a busted shoulder from the last hunt, Sam had already walked off leaving cas and dean alone. "Well um actually can you take the bag its killing my should your. Just for today though." dean asked. cas stopped stroking deans arm and looked at dean. "Fine just for today though but I want to see you doing less on this hunt let me and Sam do it your still hurt from being thrown down the stairs on the last hunt, okay?" dean looked in to worried blue eyes and nodded and gave cas the bag. dean tangled his hand in to cas and leaned he's head on cas's shoulder.

dean was doing some research on a family that the ghost lived with but dean kept biting down on his lip. As he finished reading the newspaper page about the family, cas looked at him. "Are you seriously trying to give me a boner Winchester. stop trying to seduce me and do not give me a boner." cas said a bit annoyed at the Winchester sitting in front of him. dean got up and walked over to cas. dean stopped and looked up at cas. "Why did you take my newspaper ?" dean said. "dean I don't need a boner right now, save some of that for latter tonight?" cas said straight forward. "What if I want to give you a boner and save some of that for the bedroom?" dean pouted really cutely. cas looked at him, did he really just say that? dean had a playful smirk on his face. cas pants started to get tighter, well shit. dean grabbed the shirt cas was wearing and pulled him closer. dean started to kiss cas and lick his lips. cas moaned a bit before dean slipped his tongue into cas's mouth. Reluctantly cas pushed dean away. dean started to whine and he pulled cas to is chest. "dean if you let me use my grace on your shoulder and finish the research so we can go kill this assbutt we can do this latter as many times as you want." cas said with a small sigh. dean looked at two beautiful ocean blue eyes and nodded and went to the laptop and started reading trough stuff he'd found about the teenage boy who died 3 years ago to suicide. wow what my boyfriend does, cas thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

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