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A/N Some context since I don't know where to begin. You are 17, and your entire family died when you were 15. You where moved from Australia to LA to live with your adoptive parents who turn out to be terrible people who sell you as a sex slave. You are on a "job" right now

(Jo-Jonah, J-Jack, Co-Corbyn, D-Daniel, Z-Zach, Y-You) will add more as I go

Your POV

He was touching me all over, though I was used to it by now. Though I still wanted to scream when he touched certain places. My legs were so limp and tired. I knew I wouldn't be able to walk for a while. That's when I heard them. At least 5, all shouting like they were playing a game of some sort, like tag, but they were getting quite close to the house, so I took the opportunity to scream. And I did, I screamed and yelled for help until my "host" covered my mouth. I bit his fingers and yelled "HELP, PLEASE, HELP" By now I knew I had gotten their attention. One yelled "In the house," another said, "get their quick" I yelled, sensing they were close "PLEASE HELP, IM OVER HERE"

Then the door broke, covering me in splinters of wood. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER" one of them yelled, and when I looked up, I saw the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, filled with anger as he tackled my "host" to the ground. Some of his goons who had been watching him do disgusting things to me started on the blue-eyed boy, when a tall guy advanced on them and punched them.

2 more of my rescuers a blond boy and a curly-haired boy, moved to pull blue-eyed boy of my "host" saying "dude, you're going to kill him" "I SHOULD, after what he was doing to that girl" he replied. They managed to get him off, and when the shortest of them had helped tied them all up, they approached me.

I immediately tensed, feeling cold and nauseous realizing how much had just happened in the span of 3 minutes. "she's cold" the tall one said. Immediately the hot blue-eyed boy took off his shirt, as none of them was wearing more than a shirt, and handed it. For a second I was star struck looking at his well-defined chest and abs, shook it off, and took the shirt from him covering my half-naked body in it.

"hi," the cute guy said continuing "I'm Daniel" he pointed to the tall one "that's Jonah, and that's Corbyn and Jack" pointing to the curly-haired boy and the blond who had pulled him off my "host" "and that's Zach" he said pointing to the short one "what's your name and why are you here?" his voice was unbelievably soft, considering that he had been shouting before "wow" I thought, looking at the boys and considering Daniel's question, but most of all looking at his eyes "they are all so hot, Daniel especially (A/N exactly what I thought when I first saw them 😂)," finally getting a good look at them.

"umm... I'm (Y/N). and I was sold to that man as a sex slave, though I hate it" I said, just as one of the goons stirred from being knocked out. The boys noticed this, while surprised at my response, said that we should leave.

Daniel asked, "can you walk" and when I tried, I immediately fell into his arms "great," I thought "I knew it" Daniel caught me and picked me up bridal style and smiled, looking in my eyes. His hands and touches were so soft, so gentle, so loving. I knew at that time, that with this boy, every time I would look in his eyes, I would be lost. That if I wanted to or not, I would fall in love with him.

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