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(Play when you see this ^ symbol, Daniel sings all)

We got out of the car to find the boys holding captive a man, while we waited for the police to get here, the lame man, who is titled Creep, started trying to talk to me.

Creep- Hey Y/N, you remember me don't you.

Y- only because you kidnapped us thank you very much. (start to walk away)

Creep- No, about your parents.

I stopped cold at the last sentence, and everyone looked from one of us to the other. Without looking back said

Y- What about them, they're dead

Creep- Oh yes, they are, but do you know how they died?

I turned around at this

Y- They died in a plane crash, but you probably heard of it. Middle of the desert, all over the news, not one body found. We couldn't even bury them for crying out loud. There was no one apart from me there. All my family died!

I shouted the last part, getting closer to his face. I looked behind to see Daniel look at me with a sympathetic face. I ran to him and he engulfed me into a hug. I held back the tears until he said

Creep- I killed them, you know, very easy to kill, just a bomb on the plane and boom. They were dead. I also poisoned you mildly so that you would not be allowed to go on the plane, and I knew that I would sell you to your adoptive parents, and when we realised that you were getting cocky, I sent in Lily, so you would be attached to her, and killed her. You remember the time, don't you, I was the nurse and they all just thought you were having an allergic reaction to the medicine they gave you. You know you can actually have anesthetics, you have just gone through so much pain because everyone thought you couldn't have it.

I sobbed hard when he got to the part about killing my parents. Daniel tried to advance on him, pure hatred in his eyes when I stopped him, and he kept comforting me. Just as he finished, the police came and I got over the sadness and felt a wave of intense anger spread through me.

I jumped at him, pushing him into the ground and cursing at him to beg for mercy. The boys couldn't get me off until he begged and apologised so many times.

I gave him one last slap as the police took him, looked back at Zoe, who ran and hugged me as I broke down in her arms. Daniel grabbed me out of her arms and comforted me as Jonah held her.

Before we got to the car, I looked to the police and told them he was on a charge of assassination as well, as he had planted a bomb on a plane which caused one of the biggest plane crashes in Australia. They looked shocked, but not surprised considering what he had done.

When we got home, I went straight to bed. When I had got dressed, a knock came from my door. I opened it, finding a shirtless Daniel, who asked if I wanted some company

I nodded and, without words, laced my fingers with his, turned around to my bed pulled him with me. I lay down and pulled his arm around me.

I silently cried some more, though Daniel must have sensed it, so he got up and sang for me, not moving his eyes from mine.


I didn't stop looking at him, even when my eyes started watering. When he saw me crying at the end, he kissed me, ever so gently, and held my hand close to his heart. Then he looked at me with his eyes filled with something I dreamed of


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