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One day, Mia was really nervous. I finally went to Jack's room to confess to him what I thought was going on.

"I think that Mia is cheating on Jonah" I look at the surprised look on his face and say "just listen to what I have to say" he nods "You know the day you got me and Daniel together" He looks surprised "yes I know it was your plan and everyone was in on it, and thank you" "ok, but yeah I do remember," said Jack "every time," I say continuing "someone would finish their answer and had to choose someone else, she would hold in a breath, like she didn't want to be chosen, and then let it out again.

"Actually, did she know about the plan?" "no, because we didn't think you two were close" "we aren't, and another thing is, is that she never likes to hang out with us anymore. And I know for a fact that Jonah asked her to live with him and she said no, because her father wouldn't let her.

"Which I know now, wouldn't stop me from living with the person I love" surprised at the last thing that I had said "You love him?" "I think so, I mean I know I have only known him for a little while, but when did you know you loved Gabbie?" I asked "Probably around the same time of dating, I mean I knew her for longer than that, but it only came to me while we were dating. Anyway, continue" he said, obviously seeing sense to what I was saying "and I once walked in on her talking all cute to a guy on the other side of the phone who I knew for a fact wasn't Jonah, because I went into his room asking if it was him, and he was fast asleep."

Jack considered this and said "we should confront her before we go to Jonah about it, I'm just upset because he will be so upset" "I know" I said, "but I don't want him to be dating someone who will at some time be caught, or doesn't actually love him." Jack agreed, and we decided we should get Corbyn in on it as he would be able to talk to her about it. And we confronted her. We pulled her into a room and began.

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now