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A/N: So in the last chapter, they confront Mia. Mia says some terrible stuff to you and you get comfort from Jack, Zach and Corbyn. Mia then makes Daniel cheat on you, some terrible stuff happens including almost committing suicide.

I woke up that morning with Zach and Jack on either side of me and Corbyn at my feet. I felt terrible that I had made them wake up every time I was sad that I cried a bit and woke Zach up. He asked what was wrong and I told him I felt so guilty for waking them up all the time, he slightly laughed and said that he himself wouldn't have been able to sleep if he wasn't next to me knowing that I was alive, and that he had got more sleep then he would have alone. The others had woken up by now and agreed with him, saying they would never want to lose their new sister. I smiled and hugged them all, my new brothers.

Your POV

When we were fully awake, we got up and found Jonah making breakfast "brekkie!!!!!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs. Then winced remembering what would happen at my adoptive parent's house if I used Aussie slang.

Jack just laughed getting me to stop wincing and saying sarcastically "I wonder what that means?" "Yeah, what does it mean?" Zach says, not getting what Jack had meant "well lil bro" I look down at him like how I used to explain things to my little brother I make a small smile at that thought and focus back on Zach "Brekkie is Aussie slang for breakfast" "ohhh" Zach says, like he's actually learnt something really important.

I saw Jonah and he looked red in the face. I ran over and hugged him, and he said "so you're alive" "Yep, thanks to these guys" and I pulled them in for a group hug. I almost forgot everything when Daniel came into the room.

His beautiful blue eyes were red and puffy, like he had cried himself to sleep, I sensed he felt really guilty and that he hadn't meant it, but I didn't want to forgive him just yet. That was until he said "sorry" in his gruff morning voice.

I had heard it before but after a night of crying, he felt genuinely sorry. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, and he immediately accepted it and kissed me on my head.

I felt so safe as he said "I can explain" and I pulled him up the stairs again, pulling him into my room and sitting him down on my bed. "please do" then he explained everything, and by the end he was shaking from rage. "That bitch" he said "I should kill her for making you think that I had cheated on you and making you suicidal" he whispered the last part. I pulled him into a tender kiss that stopped his shaking and he kissed back.

When we broke the kiss I straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck (chills song reference) "why are you so gorgeous" he whispered into my neck, where he had his face. I gently moved his face to I was looking into his eyes. "do you want me to tell you a secret" I asked "sure" he said intrigued

"I have always wanted to become a singer, and was really excited when I found out that my adoptive parents lived in like the biggest place if you want to become a singer, until I found what they were" "I knew," smiling at my surprised look "and I can make it happen. I have heard you sing, you are beautiful" "thank you so much, but I don't think I'm that good" I said pulling my arms from around his neck and looking down "Yes you can" with a voice that made me feel like I could do anything.

I kissed him and he asked me to sing something for him. I got self-conscious and said no, until he got me off him, headed to his room and came back with a guitar. "what do you want me to play" he asked I immediately knew and asked it. He started and I started singing.

I met you in the dark

And you lit me up

You make me feel as though

I was enough.

We danced the night away

We drank too much

I held your hair back when,

You were throwing up

Then you smiled over your shoulder

For a minute I was stone cold sober

I pulled you closer to my chest

And you asked me to stay over

I said I already told you

I think that you should get some rest.

I knew I loved you then but you never know

Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go

I knew I needed you, but I never showed

But I wanna stay with you until were grey and old

Just say you won't let go,

Just say you won't let go,

I finished there, because I realized that the door was open. The door was shoved open and the boys came in, and Jonah had something in his hand, like he was recording me.


Jo-That was really good (Y/N)

J-He's right

Z-We got the manager to listen to you

At that I felt faint and had to balance myself

Y-You did what!

Jo-Well, we knew you could sing beautifully, and so when Daniel came down to say that you were going to sing for him, we all decided to call the manager and get him to listen to you.

Manager- and what a voice you have. What about you come down to the studio with the boys and we can set something up for you? (I wouldn't know how this works)

I blushed madly as I realized the thing that Jonah was holding was actually a phone with the boy's manager on facetime. I hit Daniel playfully and hugged him and got off the bed to hug everyone else

Y-thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

I came back in tears and kissed Daniel

J-Guys, there is a child here

Z-am not a child

All-Yes, you are

Zach fake pouted and I pulled him into a hug saying "Its ok, shh, its okay" as everyone laughed. I thanked everyone again and said we should celebrate.

A/N sorry for the short and happy chapter. I needed to lift the mood after the last chapter.

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