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I was excited for the next day, I found it hard to sleep. But having Daniel back in my bed, cuddling with him, I managed it. That night I had a terrible dream, and it was about what Mia had said. I found Daniel in bed with another girl, and he says "I love you Mia, not that bitch" he looked round and saw me "that bitch, I will never love, she is to scarred and weak for me" he continued.

I ran out of the room and ran to Jonah, who said "have you seen the woman I love, Mia?" I ran to Jack's room and found the rest of the boys there, they were talking about how good Mia was. I couldn't take it, I ran outside and screamed, trying to get out of the dream.

I woke up to Daniel shaking me and saying "wake up (Y/N), it's ok," while all the boys were watching me nervously. I looked from Daniel to Jack, silently telling him what the dream had been about.

He came to my side and said "it's ok, it wasn't real" as he told Zach and Corbyn, who I had been there when I told Jack about what Mia had said. Corbyn took over hugging me and Daniel held my hand, and when they explained what Mia had actually said, Daniel told me that he wouldn't do that to me, but I wasn't listening, I was looking at Jonah, who had buried his face in his hands at the end of my bed.

I kept holding Daniel's hand and moved toward him, giving him a hug as I said "you aren't ok, are you?" he shook his head and said "I thought she loved me" "and you loved her?" I said, finishing his sentence. He nodded, bringing tears to his eyes, while I squeezed Daniel's hand and he squeezed back, confirming that he did like me, maybe even loved.

~time skip morning~

When we went to the studio the next morning, we were all very tired, so it was a long day. The manager went over the range of my voice, and then asked if I could play any instruments.

With my adoptive parents, they had made me learn piano and guitar, so I could serenade my "hosts". It was probably the thought of those days, and the fact that I hadn't had much sleep, that I broke down in the chair.

No one could make me stop, even when Daniel heard me crying and came to comfort me, right in the middle of a recording. The manager was soft and said that we could go home, get a good rest and get ready for a long day tomorrow. The others thanked him, and carrying me to the car, headed home.

That night we got a good sleep and I was able to answer all of their questions without a tear, and they got me to start recording covers of songs I liked. After a month of this, the boys had a concert, and my manager said that I should go so that we could see what it was like. Gabbie, Christina and Ava were all allowed to come and we all had backstage passes and were having so much, until while getting some air, I realized that there was a lame man on the other side of the road who looked like he had been beaten up.

Gabbie and Christina told me to stop and that we should get someone to help him, but I encouraged them to come with me to help him. "hello sir, are you ok, do you need some help?" "Hello pretty ladies, you are perfect" as multiple buff guys came out of the shadows and started tying us up. I got free from the mans grasp and ran to the light coming through the open door, screaming "DANIEL!" I heard Daniel say "where are you" "someones kidnap-" someone covered my mouth and the lame man said, "want prince charming to save you, is that right?" And it all went black.

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