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Disclaimer: I do not support and will never support suicide. And I understand what people have gone through and want to say that I don't mind you skipping this chapter, as it has some references to suicide and I will give a summary in the next chapter. I know people who have considered suicide and a very close uncle to me committed suicide, and the last bit of the chapter was very difficult to write. Again if you are sensitive to this stuff, please skip this chapter.

Your POV

Y-we know what you are doing

M-really, and what's that

J-You're cheating on him

M-(flustered) really, no I'm not

Y- so can we see your phone then?

Jack and Corbyn looked at me surprised, this wasn't part of the plan

M- no, I'm not letting you put your hands on my brand-new phone.

Co-we will go to him anyway, we have enough evidence. And I think he will trust his sister and best friends over his very distant girlfriend

I felt touched by the reference of me being Jonah's sister, but kept a straight face

M- well, go ahead. I have ways to make him believe me, no matter if you put all the evidence on a board and show it to his face.

This surprised us, and we left her alone.

Y-what do we do?

Co-we lay low, I mean, you girls can be pretty convincing when you want to, if a guy thinks you are his significant other

I looked disgusted when I realized what he meant

J-yeah, he's right. We need to get her on video, which means laying low


I wasn't satisfied, and when Mia approached me later I clenched my jaw, trying not to tell Jonah, who was right behind her, "you know, if you ruin it, I will get your "boyfriend" to cheat on you. I mean he doesn't even like you, look how ugly you are, and I have seen the scars on your back, you are too scarred for him to love you. He is playing you just like I am playing Jonah" I tried to ignore her, but as soon as she mentioned the scars, I felt tears on my face.

When she left me alone, I took one look at Jonah, who only now was realizing the tears streaming down my face and ran up the stairs, into Jacks room, finding Corbyn, Jack and Zach, all sitting on the bed, discussing what I expected was Jonah's situation. I slammed the door behind me and slid down the door sobbing.

They all turned around at the door slamming and saw me on the floor crying. Corbyn came to my side, hugging me silently for a little while, letting me lean on him, while Jack and Zach held my hands that were on my knees and looked concerned. When I had control of myself, Corbyn helped me to the bed, still holding me so I wouldn't burst again, and Jack asked softly

J-what happened

That sent tears streaming down my face and I put my head down. I could hear Corbyn say "don't pester her"

Y-No, its fine.

And I told them what happened. They gasped as I said the part about my scars, and after I was finished, Zach said "do you really have scars" before the boys could stop him. I laughed weakly and nodded my head while lifting my shirt up slightly, just enough to see the banes of my life.

Long white scars, where either I would have been hit with a belt, or where men have punished me. I heard their gasps and felt another tear drip down my face. When I turned back to look at them, they all hugged me, and I instantly felt better.

J-That's it, we are telling Jonah

Confirming what I thought they were talking about to Zach. We nodded and all stood up, me in front. We went to his room first, expecting him to be there, when we found Mia kissing someone I would have least expected, Daniel.

When I grasped it, I screamed, loud. So loud that Jonah came running up the stairs just to find me slam my door and lock it, moving to the dresser and getting out a blade. Jack must have immediately grasped what I was going to do and ran after me and when I locked the door, slammed against the door, crying for me to get out and for someone to call an ambulance. Everyone went silent and sounded confused, until I heard Zach whisper "she's going to kill herself" and began banging on the door and screaming for me to let them in.

Jack POV

When we opened the door to find Mia making out with Daniel, (Y/N) was silent, trying to sort it out. I saw it click in her head and she screamed, worse than she did before we rescued her. I immediately knew what she was going to do when she ran to her room.

I slammed painfully against her door, crying for her to let me in and screaming for an ambulance, when Zach got it and started to pound the door along with me. Everyone then caught up and Jonah shouted at Mia that it was over and to get out of the house while Corbyn shouted to Daniel to get out and he shouted back that he loved (Y/N) and that he didn't cheat on her. Just then Jonah kicked out the door and we saw (Y/N) raise the scissor blade to her wrist.

Daniel POV

I never meant to cheat on (Y/N), I actually thought it was (Y/N) So when I heard so-called (Y/N) call my name from Jonah's room. I wondered what she was doing in there. Before I got to the door, the person who sounded like (Y/N) said close your eyes, so I did and she pulled me into the room and began making out with me. Only when I heard the real (Y/N) scream did I open my eyes and pushed Mia away when I realized what was happening

Your POV

The one person I had finally opened myself up to. The person who I had fallen in love with and had admitted to doing, had cheated on me. What was the point of living? I heard the boys, but it was like an echo, like a memory. Corbyn shouted for Daniel to get out, and he shouted something that I didn't hear.

I also heard Jonah dump Mia, sad that I wouldn't be able to comfort him, but happy he was rid of her. I raise the blade to my wrist, silently laughing that it is a pair of scissors. I hear the door break behind me and everyone run to me, Jonah pulling the scissors out of my hand and Jack, Zach and Corbyn all comforting me as I cried hysterically, amazed later that I hadn't shed a tear when trying to cut myself, but now was bawling.

I didn't get to sleep until really late and I was still crying by then. And because the boys were scared that I would try it again, took out all the stops and removed every sharp thing in my room, while Corbyn brought his blanket and pillow into my room while Zach and Jack slept on my bed, and every time I woke up crying, they would comfort me, while Corbyn held me tight.

The only people who didn't sleep in my room were Daniel and Jonah, who wanted to sleep the night alone thinking about what his girlfriend had been doing. I woke up that morning with Zach and Jack on either side of me and Corbyn at my feet.

I felt terrible that I had made them wake up every time I was sad that I cried a bit and woke Zach up. He asked what was wrong and I told him I felt so guilty for waking them up all the time, he slightly laughed and said that he himself wouldn't have been able to sleep if he wasn't next to me knowing that I was alive, and that he had got more sleep then he would have alone. The others had woken up by now and agreed with him, saying they would never want to lose their new sister. I smiled and hugged them all, my new brothers.

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