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WhenI woke up in the morning, I found someone's arm around me, in an unknown place.I was going to push it off until I remembered what had happened yesterday, andlooked over my shoulder to see Daniel's beautiful hair, with his face in thecrook of my neck (not sure if that's right).

I slowly and quietly moved his armoff from around me and got up, trying to avoid all the sleeping bodies on myfloor. They all looked so peaceful sleeping there and I felt a warm feelinginside my bones, the same I felt every time I would wake up crying and theywould be there to comfort me until I went to sleep. I decided to leave themthere and do something nice for them. I settled for making them breakfast inbed, well, on floor.

In Australia, I had made my parents pancakes everybirthday, so I was pretty sure I would be able to remember. I ended up needingto use a recipe I found online, singing as I went. When Jonah got up, helaughed at the mess I had made on the bench and on my clothes, and got a wetcloth to rub some flour I hadn't even remembered getting on my face.

When all ofthe boys got up, they thanked me for the food and I told them to "tuck in" Theylooked at me and I explained that that was Australian slang that meant "geteating" After I had finished explaining Daniel got up to wipe a tear that Ihadn't even realized I was shedding. They all looked at me sympathetically tillI got uncomfortable and gestured for them to start eating.

After they hadfinished, I asked "so... what are we doing today" Zach spoke up and said "wedon't need to be in the studio today so we were thinking that we could goshopping for your clothes, and then going swimming" He reminded me so much ofmy just younger brother, which made another tear creep down my cheek, which Icaught myself, before any of the boys could notice, but I think that Jackspotted it, and gave me a concerned look until I shook my head, signalling tohim that I was alright. I agreed to their plan and they went to get changed.

When we got into the uber, the boys asked to put the radio on. It immediatelycame on as my favourite song, "someone you loved," by Lewis Capaldi "I needsomebody to heal, somebody to know" I started singing, until realizingembarrassed that the boys were watching me. Jack cleared the air by singing tothe next bit "It's easy to say, but its never the same" we all joined insinging "I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain" going on to thechorus with as much passion I could muster "and now the day bleeds, intonightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down andthen you pulled the rug" all the boys stopped to hear me say "I was gettingkinda used to being someone you loved" in my soft voice. They all startedapplauding and clapping me on the back, except Daniel, who smiled at me withdisbelief, making my heart flutter.

When we got to the mall the boys brought meto a really expensive shop, telling me to get whatever I liked, I at firstrefused, but then saw a beautiful dress that I really wanted. The boys saw mestare at it and Corbyn grabbed it, saying it would look beautiful on me, andgrabbed out a few other things for me.

When we were getting lunch, I askedJonah for a few bucks and snuck off to the pharmacy, knowing that I would needsome girl things (if you know what I mean😉)knowing I would need them soon. I came back with a bag and Daniel looked at mesuspiciously and I gave him a flirty look.

When we finished eating I whisperedabout needing a few more girl things to Jonah though Zach overheard it and said"Victoria secret girlfriends" I blushed a deep red and saw the boys facepalmthemselves. I laughed trying to lighten the mood and confirming that he wasjust like my younger brother. I said "Of course girlfriend!" and we alllaughed, though I thought I saw Daniel look away blushing, which made me blusheven more.

Before we got up to head there, some limelights came up to the boysand asked to have a picture. I immediately felt self-conscious and Jack saw,pulling me into a headlock and noogying me introducing me as his sister, whichmade my heart leap and when the girls had gone away I hugged him, silentlythanking him and accepting him calling me his sister.

When we got to Victoria'ssecret I asked for a fitting and while being measured (sorry I don't know what happens)the lady asked who the boys who came with me were, I told her that they were mybrothers, which wasn't a total lie, and she seemed to accept it, saying "prettyannoying?" more as a statement than a question. I laughed and agreed. Sheconfirmed that I was a B cup, and I went out to pick a few bras.

The boys allcame in and picked some out, and Zach chose some very lacey and revealing oneswhich Jonah took out when we were paying. Daniel found some that were very niceand I liked them, and I kissed him on the cheek in thanks. He looked at me andblushed, which made me blush. When we got everything we left for home so wecould all get changed for the beach.

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