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When we were waiting at the police station, I realized that, once I told them what my adoptive parents had done to me, they would be arrested and I would have to go back to the adoption centre, which was a horrible place. But I decided, it had to be done, and that all the men I was told to sleep with, some very famous, would be locked up and wouldn't be able to scar other young girls lives like they did mine.

Though, I didn't want to explain alone, so when they asked me to tell them what happened, I asked if the boys could come in. They didn't question it, though they looked a little confused, and agreed. When I told them the entire story, everyone in the room was stunned, even the boys, though I had already told them a bit. "really" Daniel said, looking really hurt "they did all that to you?" "and would have done more, if you guys hadn't saved her," The policewoman in the room listening said, though hurt

"I know it is hard to believe boys, but it happens a lot and most of the time people don't get saved until it is to late, you boys came at the right time for (Y/N). But as you can expect (Y/N) we can't send you back to your old adoptive parents, so you will need to be sent back to the adoption centre" confirming my thoughts "yeah," I said "I expected that"

"wait," Jonah said "what if we adopted her? We are all at the right age and she wouldn't be touched at our house, since there are so many of us." Daniel looked slightly disappointed at that point, though I am not sure why "and we have the resources, including an extra bedroom. Do you have the papers to sign?"

The policewoman looked a bit shocked and said "I mean, if you boys are ready to protect her" "yes, we will" they all confirmed. It was settled, I would be adopted by my rescuers. Once the shock had gone away, I began to wonder who the boys were. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't quite place it.

When we walked out to the parking lot, Jack said we would have to wait a while because our ride wasn't coming soon, so I pulled out my phone. I started listening to one of the newest releases by my favourite group, Why Don't We, and started humming along. The boys all looked at me at the same time and that feeling came back to me again. I was sure I knew these guys, and when a big tour bus came around the corner, I was certain. I screamed and they all looked at me with concerned looks on their faces "WHAT?!" "You guys are Why Don't We!" I said, slightly having a panic attack at the thought of being adopted by my favourite singing group.

"I love you guys!" They settled down and confirmed my suspicions "OH MY GOSH! I love your voices and your songs and everything about you" "Thanks so much" said Corbyn, and I ran to hug them all. When I had, my silent panic attack became real and I had to sit down to catch my breath.

So much had happened today. It started out as a terrible day being raped and ended up with WDW adopting me. The boys helped me into the bus, as I was still weak, and Jonah explained to their manager what happened. He was first angry, but then loosened up when they told him what had happened to me.

When we got back to my new home, I was so tired that Jonah had to carry me to my room. He had become like my older brother that I had lost. When I realized this, I started to sob quietly in front of him.

He immediately came to my side and wrapped his arms around me and said "shh, you're ok. You're ok." As the others came into my room hearing me cry, I say "They left me, it's all my fault" They leave, seeing Jonah is looking after me, except Daniel, who grabbed my hand while Jonah said, "do you want us to stay here?" I nodded and made room for them, Daniel behind me and Jonah getting up softly to tell the boys. They soon all came in with blankets and pillows and slept on the floor. I began to protest saying "I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable" They then refused to get out of my room and I was secretly happy. I had a new family.

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