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It was time to put the plan into action, when Ava was being taken, she collapsed holding her stomach and groaning that she was done, showing her arm, with at least 10 stamps on it. The man next moved to the rest of us, including Zoe and we all had the same reaction, showing our stamps off.

The man whispered to the guards, pointing to all of us and mouthed "dead" making a line across his throat. My plan had worked. The guards pulled us into a van and told us "it will all be ok" in sarcastic voices.

As we were driving, I became familiar with the place and signalled to the others it was go time. Zoe and I, being the tallest and musclier, thanks to being in the business for a while got up and started pushing the doors as hard as we could, slamming into them over and over again.

At one point pain shot through my shoulder and I had to switch, but we eventually got the door open and jumped out running.

The car had slowed down enough for us to get out and we did, finding we were just past the boy's house. It must have been a weird sight, 5 naked young girls running across the road to a highly secured place.

I just hoped the boys hadn't changed the gate password and had stayed home. It was the same password and we rushed in, Ava tripping when she looked around to find one of the men close at her heels. I kicked him and helped her up, locking the gate behind me. We ran to the front door and knocked loudly. I immediately heard footsteps and the door opened.

Daniel POV

Everyone was home waiting for news when we heard the door knock loudly. Thinking it was the police, we all ran to hear the news. What a surprise it came to when we found our 4 girlfriends and someone we didn't know, naked and exhausted.

I caught (Y/N) in my arms as she collapsed and saw out of the corner of my eye Jonah catch the girl we didn't know. I looked at (Y/N)'s arm, seeing that it was covered with at least 10 stamps, red and marking a number, and I had a feeling I knew what, feeling very sorry for Zach when he saw the marks, thinking the same thing.

I forgot when looking at (Y/N), seeing her shiver, taking my shirt off me and covering her from the boy's eyes. They saw and did the same.

Your POV

I came to a few seconds after I passed out, watching Daniel take off his shirt and putting it on me.

Watching the boys do the same to the girl in their arms, looked back at him, and said softly "déjà vu, don't you think?" He looked relieved to find me talking and placed my feet on the floor and letting me walk.

I saw Ava come to in Zach's arms, blushed looking at him, turned her head and ran to me. I tried to catch her hug, when I yelled in pain, just feeling my shoulder. Daniel looked at me and I told him to take us to the couch. I squealed when he picked me up bridal style and said "whatever you say, princess"

When we got there, Zach asked me tentatively, "(Y/N), what are these marks on your arms" I laughed slightly and brought him into a hug, saying "they are marks, on how many times we got raped" everyone took a deep breath and Zach looked at Ava with a sad face "but, we used them as a diversion, you haven't noticed that Zoe and I are the only ones limping? We were the only ones that got touched, and we can handle it" nodding at her.

I looked at Daniel and he pulled me into a hug. I shook my head, saying that I was ok for now, but I would need his support later.

I looked back at Ava and Zach and said "I couldn't let Ava be scarred like I was" Jack, realizing what I meant, whispered "your back" while Zach and Corbyn nodded. Jonah said "what do you mean her back, why is she scarred" feeling a tear come to my eye, I put my head down.

Daniel spoke up, saying "she has scars on her back, from where I think she was beat" looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, somewhat confused about how he knew about the beating.

Jonah said "You guys should go to bed" "NO!" I yelled, then looked at their shocked faces "I'm sorry, but I just can't wait until tomorrow. I want to get rid of that man's business. I can't sit back and watch another girl like Lily die!" I yelled the last part, and everyone was silent

"Lily?" Zoe squeaked "how do you know Lily? Do you have a picture of her?" "she was like a sister to me" I sat down next to her and Jonah "she was so young, like 14 or so, and I was 17, so I looked after her and told her all the things she needed to know to get the least pain" I said pulling out my phone to show her a picture from my memories.

She flipped through them until she came to the photo of my nightmares. A young girl, naked and bleeding. I began crying "that man," I said through the tears "The lame man once came to my adoptive parents and asked for her, for permanent, and at a very large price.

He later sent that picture of her, saying that that was going to happen to me if I disobeyed anyone." I looked at Zoe through the tears, with a sob, she said "Lily was my sister, and we were separated when he took me. My parents died of grief and she was sent to you, when I got mad at the lame man, and he did something to her. Killed her" I cried with her and Daniel held me, while Jonah held her.

"That's why we need to go now, and probably need something for this shoulder" realizing how sore my shoulder actually felt. That kicked Daniel into action, getting out his phone to call the police.

Corbyn grabbed me by my good arm and took me to the kitchen, put me on the counter, and pulled up my sleeve making me wince. He grimaced, and when I looked at my arm and found myself looking at a slightly out of place arm, probably dislocated, and a deep cut, from which I was bleeding quite a lot.

I stopped myself from gagging while Corbyn got the others, who had finished making calls and were just waiting for the police to get here, and brought them into the kitchen. Ava, Gabbie and Christina gasped and Zoe looked at me pitifully and held my good shoulder, saying she knew how it felt.

Corbyn gulped and said

Co-We are going to have to move it back into place

Z-(looking pale) really, isn't that going to hurt?

Y-I had this happen to me when I was four, and I fell off the swing

J-Yes, but most likely you didn't have a huge cut on your arm

"yeah, so yes it will hurt," I said looking back at Zach. He gulped and said

Z-ok, but we need to do it right?

Co-yes, and I will need you all to stop her moving

Y-right, and Daniel, could you grab me a gag?

He looked confused, but got it for me, and I put it in my mouth, while pulling him into a hug with my good arm around his neck, while he held around my stomach, and the other boys got around me. Jack got up on the counter and held me just above my waist pulling me into his body, and Zach and Jonah put their arms around the boys and waited for me to move. Zach half-heartedly said "group hug?" I laughed through the gag, and Corbyn took that chance to put my arm back into place.

The pain I felt was almost unbearable and I screamed through the gag, tightening my arm around Daniel's neck, making him choke. Just as I thought the pain had gone, another wave hit me and I passed out, falling into Zach's arms.

Ava yelled and waved her hand in front of my face, when Corbyn grabbed a bucket, filled it with water and doused both Zach, Ava and me in water. I immediately woke up to find myself super wet, with someones equally wet arms around me.

Just as Corbyn was finishing up with the cut on my arm, the door was knocked, reminding me why I was in so much pain, and signalling that the police were here. Daniel explained to them who we were. As more policemen came to the door, I and the rest of the girls realised that we were basically naked, and all ran up to my room, where we grabbed some shorts.

We all decided that we should go, and ran downstairs to find the boys in the car, ready to take our instructions on how to get the lame mans place.

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