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When we got home I got out the cutest one piece that made me look good, while protecting the boys' eyes from the fact that my stomach and back were covered in scars from when the men abused me. "just enough to get Daniel's attention" I thought to myself grinning.

By that time I had developed a crush on him. In the few days I had known him, I had found we had the same sense of humour and that he was so nice and sweet toward me, not caring every time I would wake him up crying and would comfort me in the softest way. I just hoped he felt at least a little bit the same way.

I was about to head downstairs ready to leave, when I looked out my window to see that it was raining, and looked too cold to head out. I put a beach dress over and headed downstairs to find the boys standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"looks too bad to go out," Jonah said, they hadn't noticed me so I hid, listening to their conversation "yeah, I would be fine to stay here if she doesn't like it" I heard Daniel say, as I was blushing slightly "I just don't want her to get sick because of us," Zach said, the others agreeing.

I felt a tear come to my eye, I had never felt so cared for. When I was with my adoptive parents, they would on purpose leave me outside to catch a cold and put me to work and scold me when I sneezed on the dishes I was doing.

These guys were alright with not going swimming so I would be warm. A small sob escaped my mouth as I was considering this and Jack heard it, and came rushing to my hiding spot. I must have looked terrible, cause he scooped me up and held me in his arms, as the others came to where we were standing and Zach yelled "group hug!" as they all hugged me. I felt the same feeling of acceptance and accepted their hugs eagerly. When the group hug ended, so did the rain and I said "let's go swimming!" and they all yelled in agreement.

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now