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As we got home, it started raining again and we all headed to our rooms to get changed. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of my nightmares and screamed, running under my covers. It was thunder, and soon enough Daniel ran into my room, towel around his waist, obviously naked, when I realized that I was as well. I quickly covered myself but by the look on his face, he saw something. He cleared his throat and said "what's wrong, you screamed" I was embarrassed but said "I am afraid of thunder"

He laughed, but then realizing that I wasn't kidding, told me when I was dressed I could come down and we would order in and watch a movie with the boys. I agreed and he closed the doors. thunder struck again and I held in a scream. But when I was dressed, I went into the hall and found a shirtless Daniel waiting for me. I hugged him and he asked "are you ok" I nodded into his chest.

We went downstairs to find everyone tucking into some pizza. Just then thunder struck and I pulled myself closer to Daniel, smothering a scream. Jack looked at me suspiciously and asked what movie I would like to watch. I admitted to the boys that I hadn't watched many movies.

They all were amazed and insisted that we watch something. I don't remember what it was. All I remembered is that most of the time, I would find Daniel looking at me, and once, we met eyes and stayed there for a while.

I started off the movie sitting next to him on the couch, and ended up with his arm around me, almost sleeping on his bare, muscly chest. When the movie was finished, Jonah picked me up, disturbing Daniel and getting him to wake up, and carried me like a baby to my room, he placed me in my bed and tucked me in, just like my brother would do when I had nightmares as a kid. "I love you, Jonah"

"How so?" He said confused

"because you are so caring, and you have done so much for me," I said yawning "you are like my older brother, I love you"

seeming to accept this he said "I love you to Lil sis" I smiled and he left.

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now