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It was really difficult, keeping the secret. Gabbie and I were big internet users and she had a youtube channel, while I had my singing career, so we had to say we were taking the year off.

There was also a couple of times where the boys almost said it in interviews, which we got really nervous about, but people took it as joking and it was brushed off.

we took a few pics (The top) to see how big we were growing. I was larger, being pregnant for 8 weeks before her, but we were both really large soon enough.

I had always felt slightly large, and having a baby in me made that worse, but having Gabbie there on the journey as well, and Daniel there to support me, helped a lot.

Once Gabbie got over the morning sickness stage, we decided to go out.

We headed to a private beach and chilled there with the boys, hanging out.

I went swimming and found it was really fun, but just then, some fans came past, we had no idea how they got here.

Gabbie and I were both in the water up to our necks, so it was hard to see our large bellies, and the boys were out of the water.

Daniel and Jack immediately, pretending they hadn't seen the fans, moved towards us and signalled to stay there.

I started panicking and had to hold on to Daniel for support, and he pulled me into a hug, putting my face on his chest.

As he did this, Jack took his example and did that to Gabbie. He whispered in my ear "They don't have bathers, and Jack and I were talking about how we couldn't see your bellies, though they didn't see it. The boys will distract them while we stay out here."

I looked up at him and kissed him, making it so the girls wouldn't ask a picture of any of us.

They whistled and I smiled into the kiss, as nervous as I was. They soon left with pictures and signed merch, but I still felt wary.

As soon we were positive they were gone, we got out of the water and I hugged Gabbie.

Keeping the secret was hard, and I was so worried that I just cried now that the danger was over.

I cried and tried to breathe as Daniel held me, patting my hair and kissing my head.

When I gathered myself, I looked up to see them all with worried looks all over their faces.

I smiled through the tears that were still falling and tightly hugged all of them as Daniel called an Uber.

I put on my very loose beach dress and Daniel's denim jacket on while we waited.

I was very nervous and had to sit in the back, were it was hard to see through the windows.

Daniel came and sat next to me, holding my hand the whole way back. I looked at him and mouthed "thank you" before I leaned toward him.

He leaned forward and before our lips touched Zach shouted "EWWWW!" I looked toward him and laughed, before Daniel pulled my face toward him and kissed me passionately, and we stayed like that, no matter how many "Eww's" were uttered.

"I love you, thank you so much," I said when we pulled away "I love you more," he said smiling

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now