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~Time skip month later~

The whole time I have lived with them, the boys have been great. We went to the beach and I was better than Daniel at surfing, making him bitter for a while but then loosened up. I had so much and had met the boys' girlfriends. Jack and his girlfriend Gabbie, Corbyn and Christina, While Jonah had Mia, Zach liked Ava, (sorry, i know they aren't dating anyone, but i needed daniel to be the only single one) and Daniel was single. One afternoon the girlfriends were all over and we were hanging out, when Jack suggested Truth or Dare we all agreed and Jack started off.

Jack POV

(Y/N) Had told me almost a week into meeting her that she liked Daniel, and I knew he liked her, so I decided to suggest we play an innocent game of Truth or Dare to spice things up.

Your POV

(C-Christina, G-Gabbie, M-Mia, A-Ava)

J- Truth or dare Christina


J-I dare you to make out with Corbyn

As Christina took the dare, I began to feel like it would start out to be a couple Truth or Dare. I looked over secretly to Daniel, who looked at me and we both looked away blushing, as Corbyn yelled


We all laughed at his stupidity

C-(giggle) Truth or dare (Y/N)

Everyone looked at me

Y-umm... Dare

C- I dare you to sit on Daniels lap

I did this, and he took in a breath, as I felt something get harder. I giggled

Jo- (Y/N), it's your turn

Y- ok, Ava, what have you always wanted to tell Zach?

I knew that she liked him because she had told me and the girls, as we had got really close, except Mia. She and Zach went completely red, she looked at the ground and said in the quietest voice

A-I like you

Zach tackled her to the ground and started kissing her all over as she was squealing.


Everyone laughed, happy to see how cute they were. Ava pushing him off, but keeping his arm around her waist said

A-Daniel, what do you have to say to (Y/N)?

Everyone went quiet and looked at him, me as well, hoping above hopes he was going to tell me what I wanted to hear. Daniel cleared his voice moving me around to look into his eyes and said

D-(Y/N), I like you, and I have liked you since we rescued from that terrible man. Your (y/e/c) are so warm and inviting, you are so kind and generous even after what terrible things have happened to you. I would hope that if you don't like me, that you would come to me when someone breaks your heart or hurts you and let me comfort you in your darkest hours. That when you wake up because of nightmares that you would scream my name and I would come to comfort you and help you to go back to sleep. I want to know, because if you don't like me back, then I shall never speak on the subject again (pride and prejudice reference, anyone, no? ok). Will you be my girlfriend?

He finished, and everyone was stunned, me most of all, at his sweet words. I took a gulp and said

Y-I like you so much, that you wouldn't know how much. Yes, of course, I will be your girlfriend.

He smiled his stupid gap grin and kissed me, ever so lightly, on my lips, and I kissed back. Everyone cheered and laughed, the end of the game. We had got out what we wanted to out of everyone.

Mia had seemed a little relieved that no one had asked a question. But before I could question this, I suddenly felt really tired, and when I went to stand up, I fell, into my new boyfriend's arms. He picked me up bridal style and said "this is becoming a habit" "Get used to it Danny," I say, sort of surprised at my new nickname for him. He smiled, kissed my head, and said "I think I already am, princess" I smiled at his nickname for me. He did make me feel like a princess.

We got to my room and I sleepily opened the door. He kissed me on the head again and headed to his room. A few minutes later, before I went to sleep, someone opened my door. Scared it was someone bad I got up and armed myself with the book I had on the bedside table. "hey" a shirtless Daniel said "it's just me" I smiled as he said "want some company?" I nodded moving for him and closing my eyes.

I felt a dip in the bed as he came behind me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I immediately felt uncomfortable and pulled away, but he whispered in my ear "I will never push the boundaries that you set, and I will wait until you are ready. And if I do push those boundaries, I give you full permission to never speak to me again" I giggled, pulling him close to me again "I don't think I would need your permission to do that" "Well, I just want you to know how high in respect I put you and your body in my eyes"

I turned round to look at him, tearing up at how good he was already being to me. "Don't cry" he said, genuinely sad "I just," I stutter "no one has been this good to me, ever. And you don't even know what those men made me do to them and what they did to me" "and I will wait until you are ready to tell me that as well" he says "thank you" I whisper, kissing him and falling asleep looking into his eyes "go to sleep, you're safe" I hear him say "I know" I say.

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