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~Time skip to almost end of the tour, 5 weeks later~

I had been feeling really sick for the past week, and this morning I woke up with Daniel's arms around my waist, going to be sick. We were in a hotel room so it was just the two of us and he wouldn't let go.

"Daniel," I said shaking him to get up "I'm going to be sick" He immediately got up and let go of my waist as I rushed to the bathroom while following behind me.

He held my hair back as I threw up into the toilet, all of the last night's food.

When I looked up behind me, Daniel looked concerned and I cleaned myself up.

When I finished he was sitting on the bed, looking worried. I sprang on him and hugged him, burying my face in his bare chest, seeing that he looked like he was about to cry.

"What do you think it was?" He asked with a shaky voice "I don't really know, but from what I can remember, the man didn't use any protection, which I am really worried about" I said, seemingly confirming what he was thinking "Maybe we should get a pregnancy test?" 

We went and did that. On the way, I called Jack

J-Hey (Y/N), what's up

Y-I, we think I might be pregnant


Y-I have just been feeling really sick and...

I started tearing up, and Daniel grabbed my hand

J-It's ok, do you know who's it is

Y-Well, it's definitely not Daniel's, which is the worst bit, so if I am, I don't know who the father is

J-I will call the guys and we will come over, don't look at it until we are all there, alright?

Y-Yep will do.

I hung up and started crying. Daniel pulled the car over and pulled me into a hug, saying "You know, if you are pregnant, I will still love you and I will support you all I can ok, even if the manager says I need to lose touch with you, even if people think we are stupid teenagers who made a mistake, I won't let you go through this alone, ok"

I nodded, and cleared myself up, pulling away from the hug.

~Time Skip at home~

I answered the door to find Christina and Corbyn, who both gave me a hug immediately.

Corbyn went to ask Daniel about things when Jack came and pulled Christina, Gabbie and I into the lounge.

When he knew no one was listening, he asked "How do you know it isn't Daniel's?" "Well," I said "when I was younger I always thought I would wait until marriage, and it was sort of my parents wish, so, we have never done it" "So it could be that rapist's child," He said, looking really mad.

I lowered my head "I haven't taken the test, it could be a false alarm?" He softened and gave me a hug "It isn't your fault he did that to you."

"Well, it kind of is," I said as Zach, Ava, Jonah and Zoe came from their double date, though they didn't know that.

Ava, Zach and Zoe both came into the room as Jonah went to Daniel "If I didn't go to look after him and convince you guys to go with me," I continued "It would have never happened" "Maybe," Zoe said "But I probably wouldn't have lasted any longer there if you hadn't got there and saved me" "Plus," Ava said "You saved us, you came up with the plan, you got us out" "Yes, but I wouldn't be pregnant if I had thought of it faster"

They all looked at me, stunned. I looked at Jack, and said, "did you actually tell anyone?" "I only told Christina and Corbyn because the others were on a double date" Zoe went red and said, "That was a double date?"

"Yes, but now we need to see if (Y/N) is actually pregnant," Zach said

I grabbed the test and did my thing. I didn't look at it and went outside to find everyone there.

Daniel grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes, telling me he would be there for me, whatever it said.

I flipped it over and looked at it, fainting when I saw the + sign.

I was pregnant.

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