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When the Uber came I asked Corbyn where we were going "our favourite place in the world. You will love it" he said confidently. And I did, it was a beautiful beach with soft white sand and blue ocean that almost matched Daniel's eyes.

I took off my beach dress and took it all in. Daniel then came behind me while I was admiring it and scooped me up in his arms running into the water and I screamed in excitement as he dropped me in the cold water.

The boys joined us and we started a splash war. I tried ducking the boys, but it was hard. I finally was able to push Zach of balance when he wasn't looking, since he was just taller than me, and yelled in victory and everyone laughed.

Corbyn and Daniel, who seemed to be the best swimmers of the group, dared me to race against them. I was ready, because before I moved to LA, I lived every holiday next to the beach, and swimming was the only sport my adoptive parents allowed me to do because it made me look good for my "hosts".

Zach stood with us at the start line and we had to race to Jack and Jonah. "ready, set, GO!" Zach shouted. I took off, keeping up with the boys which seemed to surprise them. I felt so good swimming, gliding through the water like I was weightless(this is how i actually feel when i swim).

I found a burst of energy as I neared close Jonah and Jack, and grasped it. I won, in front of both Daniel and Corbyn. But then, I felt really weak, so much that both Jack and Jonah had to grab me so I wouldn't drown. The boys surrounded me and asked what was wrong. Zach swam as fast as he could to us with a worried look on his face, I told them I was fine when we got to the shore.

But when I tried to walk, my knees buckled and I almost fell flat into the sand, until Daniel caught me, though he to was exhausted. We stumbled up the beach to our towels, when I facepalmed myself. I had left my beach towel in the uber we came in, and that was long gone by now. The boys asked what was wrong and I told them. They immediately began offering me their towels, and without a word, Daniel put me down, sat next to me and put his towel around us.

The others, seeing that I was ok, went to play a bit of soccer with a beach ball. I tried to get up because I knew a few moves from Australia, but Daniel didn't let me go, so I put my head on his shoulder and melted into his body, gathering warmth from him.

Daniel's POV

(Y/N) put her head on my shoulder and I let her, she was so tired, and I wondered why she was so fucking hot.


I finally felt good to walk and asked Daniel "Could you help me up, I have a few skillz up my sleeve when it comes to soccer"

"soccer?" he asked

Y-"what the boys are playing, we call it soccer because football is already a different sport in Australia"

D-"so in Australia," he asked "do you guys surf"

Y-"oh yeah, I love surfing"

D-"you will have to show me sometime"

Y-"I could also teach you some things"

"Oh you," he said and began tickling me. I laughed and got up, and held out my hand for him to get up. He took it and I felt fireworks in my stomach. We headed over to the boys and Jonah asked "how are you feeling (Y/N)?" worry in his voice "good enough to show you how football is done" I challenged.

He laughed and said "we sure need it" as I tackled the ball off him and as Jack came to try and take it, I rainbowed it over his head and scissor kicked it into the makeshift goal. The boys stared at me and I said "I used to think I would play for Aussie and played until I moved here, so at least 10 years"

"Aussie?" Corbyn asked

"Never heard Australians go at games, AussieAussie Aussie, oi oi oi?" I say, before breaking down at the thought of thosegood old days. The days where I would think that I could be a normal teenagerand dream of playing for my country, or where I could become a famous singer,which I had never told anyone thinking they might think I was crazy. Icontinued crying and Jonah took me in his arms, and said "we might want to gethome now" as we waited for the uber, Daniel took me in his arms, whisperingsweet nothings in my ear and comforting me.

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