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A/N Just Wanted to say, thanks so much for the reads, if you could give me feedback that would be great, and if you are enjoying this book, please tell me in the comments.

Your POV

I woke up and immediately realised that my water had broke.

I shook Daniel and simply said "peaches"(anybody know ice age?)

He got the message and screamed "BABY!!!!" That got everyone up and I got out of bed as quick as I could while Daniel grabbed all the things we needed.

I was a bit worried because I was early, but Daniel immediately realised the upset look on my face and pulled me into a kiss, just as Zach and Jack opened the door screaming "Baby, is there a baby... EWWWWWW!!!!!"

I laughed and pulled away from the kiss, sticking my tongue out at Zach and Jack, while Daniel said "Yes, we need to leave now, call the hospital" he said to Jonah who was behind the boys.

He nodded and got out his phone, while Jack and Zoe helped me to the car, Daniel took the bag down, while Zach and Ava fretted, asking "Is that it?" "I think so, did we remember everything?" "Shut up!" I shouted, getting worried. They both looked at me and felt guilty

I smiled and said "sorry, you're just stressing me. Get ready for all of this Gabbie" I said to her, who was behind me and she laughed

"We will have gone through it once before by the time my baby comes around," She said smiling at her baby bump, which was quite big now.

We had arranged a bed already, and Daniel would be in the room with me, which meant that the others had to wait.

When we got to the hospital, I was in such pain that Daniel's hand was squished. They told us that the others could stay in the room with me until I had to start to push.

I realised when I wasn't in pain that Daniel looked in pain, then I realised that I was still holding his hand really tightly, which, by now was purple.

I immediately let go and said "Oh baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise that I was squeezing so hard"

He smiled and said "I would go through all the pain in the world if it meant that you had less pain" I smiled, and said "I love you" "I love you too," He said before leaning in to kiss me.

I kissed him until I felt more pain, at that, I grabbed Corbyn's hand, who has on the other side of the bead and squeezed.

He gasped and looked at Daniel "How is she this strong" He replied "She has always been this strong, especially mentally" I smiled and felt tears come to my eyes, before the most painful contraction of the night came and I yelled.

 Everyone looked at me as the doctor came into the room and said "everyone please leave, she needs to start pushing."

They all put on encouraging smiles and left the room, wishing me luck.

Only Daniel didn't leave. "Are you the father?" One nurse said before he said anything I said "Yes" Looking at him, knowing that he would be a father to our baby, even though he wasn't biological.

 She nodded understandingly and Daniel smiled at me, and I smiled back until the lady got my attention said "we are going to push now Mrs...?" "Seavey," Daniel said for me.

"Ok, now push"

and I pushed.

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now