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~time skip 1 hour~

"One last push," said the nurse.

I was so tired, and I could see that Daniel was as well. He turned to look at me and nodded, so I pushed once more and heard the most beautiful noise.

A cry, and soon, after the nurses had cleaned the baby, they brought my beautiful baby girl to me and laid her in my arms.

I immediately smiled looking into my babies eyes, she was so beautiful.

I looked to Daniel who was looking at the baby with tears in his eyes. He looked at me and kissed me.

The baby had stopped crying now, and was reaching for something.

Daniel held out his finger and she grabbed it, with a grip like she would never let him go, and he wouldn't either.

The nurse smiled at this little scene and coughed, getting my attention, and asked "The people outside would like to come in.

I immediately felt bad and said, yes, if they are allowed in they can come in.

The nurse nodded and went to get the boys.

They all came in and paused, Jack let out a cry and came to my side, immediately cooing at the baby.

"Do you know what you are naming her?" Zach asked, after they had all hugged me and were handing the baby around.

Daniel and I looked at each other and I said "Matilda June Seavey" 

"OH MY GOSH! THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!!" Ava and Christina say, hugging me again and the boys high -fived Daniel.

"And you even name her Seavey," Zoe said, looking questioningly to us

"Well, I hope to adopt that name at some point, and it seems stupid to not name her that, she is our baby," I say, smirking at Daniel who turned bright red.

He recovers and kisses me. "Yes," He says "She is our baby"

I tear up and pull him into a hug, crying into his shoulder at what he had said "I love you" He says as I cry "I love you too, so much" I say, still crying.

The others get the message and after passing the baby around, said goodbye and told us they were heading home.

I still had to stay in the hospital and so did Matilda, as she was early, so we stayed.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare to find that Daniel had fallen asleep in the chair next to my bed.

I leant over the bed and shook him. He woke up startled and looked at me, concern all over his face.

I laugh and gesture for him to get up on the bed with me, while Matilda was in a cot next to me, sleeping.

He got up and first grabbed Matilda, giving her to me, and snuggled up next to me on the small hospital bed.

We just sat there and admired our baby. I looked at him and said, "Do you truly love me?" He looked at me confused and said "Of course, why?"

I smiled sadly and said looking back to Matilda, or who I would call Tilly. "When I was in Australia, I dated a guy who always said he loved me, and would go through anything to get to me, but when my parents died, he said I became too much of a wreck and that he would no longer date me, cause I cried too much."

He looked at me sadly and smiled, saying "I think you cry too little, because of the things you have been through, and I will always love you, even if we break up and I get another girlfriend, I will still love you. I have felt things with you that I have felt with no one else in my life."

I smiled and kissed him before saying "I love you, and I wouldn't have lasted much longer if you hadn't heard my screams and saved me. I love you, because you light up my day. I love you, because I know you love me."

I finish looking up in his eyes, and we share the most loving kiss in the world.

Scared Love (Daniel Seavey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now