Chapter 26: A Fool's Paradise

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Warning: Minor mentions of suicide. 


"Taehyung, wake u-up."

"Baby, please.."


I jolted up in a panic and sat upright. I was immediately met with the heartbreaking sight of Jungkook bawling his eyes out, whilst holding onto my arm with a death grip. He looked terrified, and that terrified me in return.

What the fuck was happening?

"What is it baby!? Are you hurt? Why are you crying!?" I asked him frantically. My heart was beating so fast, thinking he was hurt. I could see no other reason as to why Jungkook would sneak into our tent in the middle of the night, other than that something bad had happened to him.

Instead of answering my rapid-fire questions, Jungkook let out a loud sob and threw himself at me. He was crying into my neck as I held onto his body with everything in me. Even though I was confused, I let him cry his heart out without disturbing him. Because I had a feeling he needed to let everything out before speaking to me.

Jungkook was crying so hard that it woke up the other members as well, who all looked as frantic as I did when I had just woken up. Thankfully, Yoongi hyung wasn't laying next to me anymore, instead, he was next to Namjoon hyung. I guessed that he had moved over to his boyfriend during the night whilst we were all asleep, which he did good in. Because if he had been sleeping next to me, Yoongi hyung would've surely been bruised somewhere on his body by the way Jungkook threw himself at me just now.

"Tae? Jungkook? Why is he crying? Is he alright?" Namjoon hyung watched Jungkook's crying form with wide eyes, while I lulled my boyfriend gently, in order to calm him down.

"I-I don't know hyung. He woke me up, sobbing. So I don't know. God, Jungkook." I answered my hyung, not really able to concentrate on anything else but the love of my life's shaking body in my arms. "I think it's best if I take him out of this tent for some fresh air and to calm him down. You guys go to sleep, he's going to be alright." I tried to give my three members a small smile.

"Are you sure Tae, he looks like he is having a panic attack." Jimin pointed out with a worried gaze.

I nodded and held onto Jungkook tighter. "Yes, that's why I need to get him out of here. He will get much worse if we all hover over him. Don't worry please, go back to sleep. I'll let you know when he's better." I reassured them.

My two hyungs and Jimin reluctantly nodded their heads, while I kissed Jungkook's neck "Let's get you out of here sweetheart." I whispered in his ear and stood up, with his legs around my waist, and walked outside. The adrenaline of fear that was rushing through my body distracted me from fully feeling how heavy my muscly boyfriend actually was.

Jungkook was still shaking, but his sobbing had calmed down into quiet cries. I rubbed his back as I pulled one of the chairs to us, I also grabbed one of the cozy blankets that we used before when we were all huddled up around the fire, and put it around Jungkook to warm him up. I then sat down on the chair and finally focused on my darling boyfriend.

"Shh baby. It's okay my angel. I love you so much, you're okay." I whispered to Jungkook, while he cried.

"T-ta-e," Jungkook stammered out between cries. I rubbed his back and pulled him closer to me.

"I am right here my love, can you feel me?" I asked, trying to get his mind to focus on my touch instead of whatever that was swirling around his head.

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