Chapter 28: Jimin, Jimout

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What the hell?


Where am I?




"Ughh!" Taehyung groaned out loudly in discomfort as he slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust them to the bright light. "Fuck you, you pale ass light. Get a tan," the brunette squinted and groaned further in pain. When he finally managed to open his eyes fully was also when Taehyung felt the heavyweight on his hand, the bandage around his head, and some pretty loud snoring right next to him.

He turned his head to the left and saw a passed out Jungkook, holding his hand. But he also couldn't miss the rest of the members scattered around the hospital room.

Wait... Hospital room?

Now, Taehyung wasn't completely out of it. He knew that all of them fought the night before, that about 5/7 of them had panic attacks, and that Jimin pushed him and broke his goddamn skull. But he couldn't figure out why he was at the hospital. Did Jimin really push him that hard? The last thing Taehyung could remember was running away from the members and then taking a nap by a tree.

Or did I pass out?

"Ugh," Taehyung groaned again.

He wasn't panicking, because he knew it was of no use. Why would he? He could put two and two together, he already had. He probably passed out when running away from them and they freaked out and called an ambulance, maybe he even had brain damage. But hey.

Even as Taehyung let out a deep breath and thought back to the night before, to how hurt he felt, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his members, Jimin especially. He wasn't angry at any of them, not Jimin, not his hyungs, no one, except himself. Because no matter how hard Jimin pushed him, how much he felt each word his hyungs threw at him, he felt like he deserved it. He deserved it for hurting Jungkook.

Taehyung turned his head towards his sleeping boyfriend who had a strong grip on his hand, seeming afraid to let go, and teared up. Jungkook had a bad dream and a panic attack, but what did he do? He pushed him away and yelled at him.

"I'm a fucking idiot," Taehyung told himself and sniffled. He was feeling remorseful towards his beautiful boyfriend and wished he could have handled the situation better instead of panicking himself as well when his other half needed him the most.

But, even though Taehyung was feeling guilty about hurting Jungkook, he could also see a sleeping Jimin on the right side of him. He wasn't angry at Jimin, but that little bitch ass put him in the hospital and for all the times Jimin and Taehyung had beaten each other up in the past, the duo made sure to get revenge on the other.

Because holding grudges is a lifestyle.

So Taehyung picked up the closest thing he could reach for on his bedside table, a heavy book; which probably belonged to Namjoon, and hit Jimin right on the back of his head.

"You fucking broke my skull dickhead!" He hit his now fully awake best friend again, making the others abruptly wake up as well.

"Ow! Fuck!" Jimin punched the book out of Taehyung's hands onto the floor. "Why the fuck did you do that!?" Jimin yelled.

"You broke my skull in the middle of the woods, you bitch!" Taehyung yelled back and tried to get up from the bed and attack his best friend. Luckily Jungkooks shock wore off and he quickly took a hold of his frantic boyfriend's violent hands.

"Baby, calm down, please! You're going to open up your stitches!" Jungkook begged Taehyung and tried to calm him down.

Taehyung stopped struggling and looked at Jungkook with a guilty look, whilst Jimin was rubbing his head in pain next to him surrounded by their hyungs. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry I was so mean to you yesterday! I love you so much and it won't happen again, I swear! You were just crying and I couldn't breathe and then I panicked an-," Taehyung's rant was cut off by Jungkook shutting him up with a deep kiss.

"Hmm," Jungkook smiled into the kiss, slowly letting go of his boyfriend's lips with heart eyes. "Don't you dare apologize Taehyung. You didn't do anything wrong." Jungkook scolded him.

Taehyung raised a brow.

"But I-,"

"Shut up." Jungkook shook his head. "I came to you in the middle of the night, almost suffocating you. The hyungs were being mean and Jimin gave you a concussion that knocked you out for two days straight. So if anything, we are fucking sorry. None of us meant to hurt you, especially me. I love you more than life itself and it breaks my heart seeing you on a hospital bed because of me and the others." The younger watched his boyfriend in guilt and sadness, his heart hurting even watching the love of his life laying there hurt.

"Jungkook, I'm not mad at any of you. Please don't be sad. I love you and the others, and fighting is completely natural."Taehyung then turned his head towards his hyungs, "Don't feel guilty hyungs. You guys didn't know what was going on and acted out of fear because Jungkook was panicking. I know that your words were empty and that your anger wasn't directed at me intentionally. I forgive you, don't worry please." Taehyung smiled when he watched his hyung visibly relax and thank him for his kindness.

Then he turned his head towards his best friend and glared, "But you, dickhead midget, you fucking broke my skull, gave me a concussion, and knocked me out for three days!" And Jimin who now had a visible bruise on his head from where Taehyung hit him glared back at his best friend.

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Jimin half glared, half whined. "But, did you really have to hit me like that in the face? At least mine was accidental!"

"Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah, don't fight now." Jin hyung warned us.

"Shut up Jimin, you deliberately pushed me! I don't care if you didn't know I would end up with a concussion. You still pushed me!" Taehyung glared harder, hoping laser would fly out of his eyes and cut his soulmate to pieces. "Do you see this face?" Taehyung asked, "I was headlining all the magazines in the world just some time ago, holding a spear all beautifully. Do you really think I can do that now with a jack on my forehead and a concussion?"

"Why am I in love with this man?" Jungkook whispered to himself and facepalmed.

"It's going to heal!" Jimin tried to defend himself.

Taehyung scoffed, "And how long will that take? How many photoshoots and spears will my face miss out on, huh?"

Jin laughed proudly. "You sound like me!"

"You can use my spear if you want too," Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows.

"God give me strength," Yoongi mumbles to himself in annoyance. "I really didn't expect this day to go like this. I thought Taehyung would wake up and be mad at us. All of us would cry and beg for forgiveness, especially Jimin and Jungkook, and then everything would be forgiven and forgotten. B-but, this is just, it's just so you man," Yoongi pointed at Taehyung, "It's so extra. Just like your extra ass."

"I honestly thought you and Jimin would stop being friends," Namjoon added.

Taehyung shrugged with a bored face, "Nah man, once you Jimin you can't Jimout."

And all of them facepalmed whilst Jimin smiled happily and his bestie.


Hello my loves!

I genuinely hope all of you are healthy and happy during this crazy pandemic. I want to remind you that I love you all as the author of this lousy book and as your fellow Army. Keep healthy and stay strong!!!! 

Comments on this chapter: It looks like Taehyung took their betrayal well. Clearly, he can see through different perspectives and saw that he did wrong towards Jungkook as well. However, some shit will go down next chapter because of what happened at the camping site. Stay tuuuuuned ;))

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