Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I let out a deep sigh and stepped out of my car, only to be met with a stream of camera flashes outside my condo. 

Even after so many years in the entertainment industry, I still couldn't understand how it was legal to take pictures of someone else without their consent, as the paparazzi did. I had always disagreed with their choice of profession, but in a way I also understood that some of them did it only to feed themselves and their families.

 It wasn't what they did that raged me. But how they went about it.

"V, how are you and Jungkook?" One of the men holding a camera asked me. 

'Horrible', I thought

"V, what do you think about the pictures of Jungkook and that girl? Are you angry?" Another asked.

I widened my eyes. 

 'What?', I thought inside my head. I was confused and wanted to ask him more about what he meant with that. But I didn't want to give any of them the satisfaction of getting a response out of me.

I walked faster than possible Inside mine and Jungkook's shared condo, shut the door, leaned my back against it and breathed out.

I thought about what the paparazzi said out there. I knew that Jungkook and I had not been on the best terms for some time now. We had been in a rocky state for about half a year and I had grown more insecure and troubled ever since he started acting cold towards me with no explanation to it.  However, despite his behaviour and the deep feeling in my gut telling me that I had seen all the signs and that what the men outside my home said was even more proof, I still didn't want to peg Jungkook as a cheater. And I hoped to God that I was right. 

I sighed and held my nasal bone to prevent the upcoming headache. I kept wondering when he became this way, why he changed, why he stopped loving me. But I never seemed to come up with a reasonable answer to it all.

I didn't know what I would do if I did find out he was indeed cheating on me. But what I did know was that I had never been one to forgive easily and definitely not one to be in a relationship with someone that would cheat on their significant other. 

How much could you really love someone if you cheat on them. 

And for me, love was everything. 

I suddenly realised that I was still standing by the door. I shook all of my negative thoughts out of my head and stepped out of my shoes. I walked into the living room and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch watching tv with no knowledge of my presence. 

It was my fake cough that caught his attention and also maybe startled him a little.

He looked at me for a few seconds. "Hi," he then said with no emotion. Giving me the same cold stare that he had been giving me for the past few months.

It saddened me that he was acting this way, but I refused to act the same. "Hi Jungkook, how was your day?" I asked and smiled slightly.


And that was the end of our conversation.

Surprisingly enough, this was one of our longest conversations during these few months. Usually I wouldn't even expect him to bother greeting me. That thought alone baffled me at times, when I thought about how we used to be. 

I nodded and then made my way towards our shared bedroom and just sat on the bed. With everything that was happening between Jungkook and I, I kept feeling less energetic and often caught myself sitting on the bed I once used to share with the love of my life, just thinking about life and what it held for me. 

This time I was thinking about my future. 

I wondered if I could see Jungkook in it. I wondered if I could see someone who most likely didn't see me in his. But no matter how many times I tried to imagine my future without Jungkook, I couldn't do it. He kept appearing in every scenario I created inside my head.

 On my wedding day, I saw Jungkook waiting for me at the altar.

At the birth of my first child, Jungkook was holding my hand while we were stood next to our surrogate, telling me he couldn't wait for us to finally have our own little family. 

Even on the hospital bed where I imagined I would take my last breath, Jungkook was standing right beside me in his old body, thanking me for our shared life and telling me he loved me over and over again. 

So I couldn't fool myself. I would forever see Jungkook in my future. 

Jungkook was my life and he captured my heart the very second I laid my eyes on him. My feelings might not be reciprocated anymore but I knew that even if it didn't work out between us, I simply couldn't fall in love if it wasn't with Jeon Jungkook.

I remembered when I used to watch romantic dramas with my grandmother when I was younger and every time I saw characters getting their hearts broken by their lover, I couldn't help but get angry and disappointed when the heartbroken characters took their lover back and forgave them. 

I couldn't wrap my head around why one would forgive and agree to keep loving someone that cheated. I used to shame them and see them all as stupid people. They were getting used, hurt and betrayed and they were somewhat allowing it.

But, In this moment I realised that I was one of them. 

I was one of those stupid characters. I was turning the blind eye towards Jungkook's behaviour. I was trying to live in my happy little bubble and pretend like he wasn't treating me badly. I was pretending that his love for me still existed. 

Because I couldn't bear to know if it didn't

I shook my head, feeling disappointed in myself. I decided that I had thought about Jungkook enough for today and stood up from the bed and changed into something more comfortable and headed for the living room. Jungkook was still sitting on the couch, watching tv. I sat down next to him. but he didn't even spare me a glance, did he care? 

'Please care', my mind begged him.

I decided to initiate a conversation.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah?" I asked, keeping my voice low.  


I hesitated for a few seconds, but then realised that I had nothing to loose even if this didn't go my way. 

"Would you like to do something tomorrow? You know.. Just you and me? We could go to the movies or maybe have a picnic in the park? I mean the weather is gre-," I rambled.

"I can't. I have to record my part for the last song of the album til late tomorrow, maybe another time." He quickly dismissed me, not even spearing me a glance. 

I felt my eyes sting, but refused to cry. 

The tiny bit of hope I had left was gone.

I stayed quiet, but looked at him and nodded. I told him I was tired and quickly made my way to our shared room again. Once I was comfortable in bed I simply stared at the wall and let the silent tears fall down.

 'What did I do to make him hate me so much?' 

'When did it all go so wrong?

I laid there with these thoughts and cried until exhaustion took over, allowing eveything around me to turn black. 


Hello guy's!

This is my first book and I really hope you enjoy it!!!

Btw you'll see who's point of view it is at the top where I either write Taehyung or Jungkook in bold letters. It will be that persons pov until you see another name written like that. 

Love, R.

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