Chapter 21: Stone Age Amish flu?

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"Jimin?" I called out to my best friend through his bedroom door and knocked lightly.

There was no response for a few minutes until I heard light shuffling coming from inside the room.

"Y-yeah?" I heard a quiet voice that was barely there ask with a sniffle, making my heart hurt.

"It's me Chim, can I come in please?" When I didn't hear anything from him for a few seconds I decided to just go in anyway, because I needed to make sure that he was actually okay.

When I opened the door I was met with a sight I had always hated seeing. Jimin was sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard as he cried into his hands. I had always hated seeing Jimin cry, just like I hated seeing my brothers and boyfriend cry as well. Because I felt their pain and sorrow each time.

But what was the most difficult for me was that I didn't know why Jimin was sad and it drove me crazy.

I walked up to his bed and slipped under the sheets beside him, pulled his crying form to me as I rubbed his back, "It's okay, you're okay." I whispered soothingly.

"N-no it's not Tae. I am going crazy." Jimin tightened his grip on me as he sobbed his heart out.

I took his face in my hands and made him face my way, knowing he wouldn't look at me otherwise. "Please tell me what's hurting you." I begged.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself before he let out a staggered breath.

"My family hates me." He whispered.

My eyes widened at his words as I stared at his crumbled face in confusion. "What do you mean? Why would they hate you? They love you Chim." I questioned him, unsure of what was happening.

"My parents and my Dongsaeng love me, but the rest of my family hate me because they found out I like boys too Tae. I thought they already knew. But apparently they didn't and now they are all disgusted by me. I just don't understand." Jimin sobbed and held onto me. "My grandparents called me last night, cursing me out for being a sinner. I felt so fucking pathetic and for the first time I felt like I had done something wrong. Maybe I shouldn't like boys, for the sake of my family." I was clenching my jaw and my heart was beating rapidly. I was fuming.

The fuck.

My ears were deceiving me.

They had to be.

"What the fuck are you saying Jimin? It's the 20th fucking century, no one cares about sexuality anymore, you just love whoever the fuck you want to love. Homophobia has mostly vanished since many years back. So why the fuck are your grandparents stuck in that stone age mindset?" I sneered. "I get it that they were born in an era where same sex relationships and marriage weren't fully accepted, but this shit just aint fucking it." The annoyance and anger was evident in my tone of voice. I couldn't get rid of it even if I tried.

I also shook my head in disappointment at Jimin's prior statement and looked up into his eyes. "And if you decide that you suddenly want to force yourself to stop liking boys for the sake of your family, which is fucking impossible, and let them continue with their homophobia, then that will be a major slap to my face as well. Jungkook is a man, I am a man and we love each other endlessly. If you succumb to your relatives crazy words, then that will be you indirectly telling me that I am doing wrong, that Jungkook is doing wrong, that him and I shouldn't love and that you don't believe in true happiness after all."

Jimin's eyes widened at my words and he quickly opened his mouth to protest, "No-," but I didn't let him. "I know it's hard for you right now Jimin-ah, knowing your family doesn't accept you. But remember that you parents and your brother do, the members do, the fans do, I do. And you should too. The world is different now Jimin and you know that. So, for the love of God please don't let them pull you into their little Amish community." I spat in an exasperated voice and rolled my eyes, not really knowing if I was mad at Jimin's family for being so stone age, Jimin for letting them fuck him over, or both.

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