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Nothing really hit me hard tell Jimin came, I fell for him instantly, something about him made me wanna stay but nothing lasts or at least that's what people say.

Looking down at what would have been where he laid dead, it hits me and it hurts. At this very moment I'm glad Jungkook stepped in the way.

I loved him I did... but when did we become like this!! I hold on to my head and fall crying, why...why.

2 Years Ago

"Hunny you ready to go?" I walk into the bathroom to see Jimin still putting make up on.

"You look amazing let's go." Jimin smiles
"I know I do but I can't just go out with half done make up babe." I just laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

He playfully hits me as he finishes up. "Your so annoying Yoongs." I smirk and head to the door "I'm leaving with or with out you if you don't hurry."

I see Jimin hurry up and run out as he instantly comes up to me "I hate you so much." He kisses me and I slap his ass "You hate me? Man I guess we can't go to that bakery you have always wanted to go to."

I hear Jimin whine "NO! I don't hate you! I love you, I love you soooo much." I just laugh some more "Alright alright, lets just go."

We head over to the bakery and get a table. I just have some tea and a bagel, Jimin has 3 small cakes, macaroons and a coffee.

I don't know how he doesn't have like diabetes or something yet but I just sit back and watch him.

It's so cute seeing his face drop when he takes the first bite and he sighs in relief. "Ahh I miss this so much." I roll my eyes "it's only been a week hunny." He huffs "A WEEK TO LONG!" I snicker.

I take a sip of my tea and look up at him "then I guess we should take a few home." I raise my eyebrow, his eyes lighten up and he somewhat squeals "REALLY!" I laugh because he has some food in his mouth when he said that and looks like a damn munchkin.

"Yes really, nothing I wouldn't do for my princess." He squeals again and finished up.

We order 3 boxes and head home. We decided
to just lay in bed and sleep the rest of the day.

Our relationship was something perfect. Something people always wanted and I didn't mind it. I loved him and I was happy that we were happy.

We have been together for about 2 years now and can I say it was a year of a beautiful relationship of trust and love.

I can't help but look at him while he sleeps and kiss him on the head as I also pass out.

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