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My heart drops when I see him "Oh have you guys met? Well Yoongi meet my good friend Hoseok."

I could feel my face heat up, he looks me up and down and then pulls out his hand.

I shake it but he pulls me in "Guess you didn't take the 'see you later' seriously." He backs up and winks at me.

I can hear my heart beat but I just take his drink out his hand and gulp it down. I pull him in " I also didn't take your "don't get drunk" seriously either." Thinking it's a joke, I play along and softly bite his ear.

I pull away and smirk at him grabbing Jin and going to the dance floor, not breaking eye contact with him tell I turned around.

"What the fuck was that?" Namjoon says, he looks down to see Hoseok hand gripping really hard and he's biting his lips as his eyes are glued to Yoongi.

"Wait don't tell me.... your his demon." Hoseok looks to Namjoon, smirks and winks at him. "But that's just to much sexual tention? Aren't you helping him get back together with Jimin."

Hoseok gives him a deadly glare at the name of Jimin. "Yea I'm helping him." He looks back at Yoongi.

"But sometimes lust gets in the way of someone's love, but I definitely don't think it's one sided." He smirks "Maybe today will change that."

Namjoon hands Hoseok a drink "Just don't do anything stupid alright, now let's go to the dance floor."

I see Hoseok and Namjoon talking, me and Hoseok sometimes make eye contact and I tease him. All fun in games right? He knows I'm not into him.

When Hoseok gets to the dance floor he makes direct eye contact with me and eyes me down, he smirks licking his lips.

I turn around while dancing because Jesus that stare could even turn a straight man gay. I had to hold myself back.

I instanly feel his hand on my hips as he pulls me in and moves his head to my neck and ears. "Your playing a dangerous game Kitten~"

I freeze for a second at the name he called me, something about it felt so right. I put my arm around his neck leaning my head back on his shoulder.

My lips close to his ear as I say softly "Am I?" He presses his hand on my chest and moves it slowly to my neck and chin.

The movement sends chills down my body. "Don't test me." I move out of his hold as I face in front of him placing my hands on his chest.

I wrap two fingers on his chain and pull him closer causing my body to do a body roll on his.

He grabs my hips, moving his hands down to my thighs and pulling my leg up. I drop my leg and move around him as he keeps his hand on my hip.

I grin at him and put my arms around his neck and he pulls me in hard by my hips. That's gonna leave a bruise.

We glided back and forth to the music feeling it. I can feel myself get to Into it as if it just fits right for me.

I look him in the eyes, as his eyes stare into me. Can I say the eyes of a demon are very attractive and alluring, one can say his eyes are full of lust.

I can feel myself moving my eyes to his lips, he smirks and god damn dose that send me. I look back at him with a gentle but deadly look and I can see him fall deep in a trance.

We start to lean in tell something catches my eyes, I look over. That figure, the hair, his ass.. Jimin.

Authors note


Also a hoe never sleeps so yea chapter comes early!

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