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1 Year Later

No one has seen Hoseok since that very tragic night.

I no longer went to see anyone and on that very night when I laid in the river floating.

I found a nice house that was abandoned. I've been living there.

For this past year I've just lived in the house, surviving on very little. I've definitely lost weight and gotten weaker.

Today is January 13th it's winter again. On this very day I decided to go back.

I know my house is ok because it can't be taken down. It's already fully paid off. So it's just been sitting there, waiting for me.

I'm sure people have forgotten me and are happy now. I don't have a beard or anything. I knew how to make knives to shave.

But I definitely looked different, I mean it's been a year.

I start to walk along side the river I've been residing by for the past year. It's the peaceful paradise I longed for.

But something is missing, someone... but I could never figure out who.

I walk back to my house, once I get there I sigh. My lawn is trash and my house practically looks like trash.

I grab my spare key that I hid, that no one ever knew about. I unlock my door and walk In.

I sigh and breath in my house. I missed my house.

I walked around tell I saw flowers on my kitchen table.

They were wilted but I could tell they were beautiful at some point.

There's a note right beside it that I look at.


You may never see this or you will throw it away but, I wish to see you again. I will be long gone when you see this but when a day comes and when you remember me. I hope you forgive me.

Silly D-

After that the ink becomes messy. I try to think what comes after but honestly I don't care.

I go up stairs and head to my room. I sigh in relief once I'm in my room. I walk right to my bathroom.

I take my clothes off and get straight into my shower. My shampoo and conditioner or just anything In my bathroom is probably expired but I could care less.

As I'm washing my body, something clicks "Silly demon." I smile as I say it and I instantly remember when I first said that demons name in this shower.

Before I could think any further I get a pain in my heart that hurts so bad I have to clench on my chest.

Once I'm done I get out of the shower and head down stairs. I look threw my fridge and see some alcohol that's still good. I look around my kitchen to find some old chips and decide to eat them.

I hurry up and get up to get a shirt and put it on with the rest of my clothes. Even tho their old and dusty they still feel like fresh clothes and it's nice.

I sit on the couch and turn the TV on. The last time this thing turned on it was about a year ago.

I look on my TV and see new shows and movies. It's a year not 5 Jesus. I see that there's also a new phone.

I sigh but remember my phone. I know exactly where it is. I lean over the couch to the table next to it and grab my really dusty phone.

I blow on it and grab a old charger near by, I plug it in and see the iPhone charging sign.

Damn it still works? It may be a year but it's iPhone come on. I mean yea it's been a year but there's so much dust in my house. Jesus.

Once my phone turns on I get a whole bunch of notifications. The last one I ever got was from Namjoon.

He says "What happened to you? We can't find you. Please be ok, we all miss you. We can't even find Hoseok which is hard because Jin and him are practically connected.  Please be ok."

It's dated back to August. So did they just give up after that? I throw my phone and sigh as I lean back on my couch drinking alcohol and eating chips.

I'll go and get a new phone, new clothes and new everything tomorrow.

Authors note
Did you expect that?

Well there's a lot more to expect haha.

Sorry if this chapter seemed all over the place and jumpy.

But good morning everyone!!!

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