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1 Month later

It has been a very lonely slow month. The demon hasnt made much progress yet but in the company he actually works for, he has.

I still miss Jimin with my whole heart but I'm slowly learning to not drink on a daily basis and just cry it out.

I still haven't seen him since that fight and I regret it each passing day. Still don't know what friends he's staying with but maybe that's for the best.

Today is a Saturday and it's going alright, I'm just eating some chips while watching a movie.

"Hey." I look over to see the demon standing next to me, we haven't really talked since a month ago and I have no clue why.

"Hi" the demon just stares at me before speaking "Great news, I got into his company." My eyes widen as I smile. "That's amazing! That means we can move forward right!" I stand up in excitement.

"Yes and no, yes we can move forward but no because it will still take awhile, he dose work from home." I slowly nod and slowly sit back down.

It was almost sad how much excitement I had for one small step but we're making it and I couldn't be less happy. I sigh "well we are still moving, that's good enough."

He nods and just starts to walk away. "Going anywhere?" He looks at me "Yea but not really, why?" I pat the seat next to me. "Wanna watch movies together?" He stares at the screen then me.

He shrugs and sits down "so what are we watching." Now it's my time to shrug "No clue, you choose." I watch as he takes the remote and goes straight for horror.

I try to not act scared as he clicks on the movie. I just sit there watching "You like horror movies?" I stare at the screen to not give off the impression that I'm scared as shit.

"Ye~" I cough to clear my throat from the slight squeal I made. "Yea, it's alright." He nods "Yea it's my favorite genre, but it's not like what really happens in this world."

I just nod trying not to jump at the jump scares or cover behind my arms. "Yea they are so predictable too." He laughs a bit and decides to get up, I look at him as he grabs a blanket from the other room and sits back down.

He sits next to me and puts the blanket on both of us. "You seem to be shivering so I brought a blanket. I was gonna say thank you tell I looked over and saw a smirk on his face.

"Hey look the funny part" oh how I wish I didn't look. Just then a demon pops out and kills the woman in a gory scene. I instantly jump and move to the demon, holding onto him with the blanket over my head.

Practically laying on his lap while holding his waste. I hear him laugh as he picks up the blanket a bit to see me "You like horror movies huh." He smirks and I just stick my tongue out at him.

He just snickers and watches the movie. I stay under the blanket, to scared to look. I could feel myself slowly drifting off, just then I feel a hand on my head brushing my hair.

I slowly fall asleep to bloody screams and nice head pats. "Hm cute."

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