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As I walk out the building and to my car, I head straight to a movie store.

I look all over, trying to find a movie. Avengers? Naaa. Disney movies? No. Uhhh to all the boys..... NO. Ughh what should I get.

10 ways I think about you.... maybe. I don't know. I take about almost a hour finding something and it's worrying me.

What happens if he's home already. Ahhh I'm toast. Wait maybe you could buy some snacks so you can say that's what took up time.

I go over to the clerk and smile. "Hey can I have some help?" The woman smiles "yes sir?" I sigh before speaking.

"Ok so, I have to find a movie for movie night but I don't know what to watch or what he would like. He likes scary movies but I don't so he told me to find one. But I told him later that I know and he asked if he would like it and I said definitely but I don't know what I wanna get and he could be getting home anytime now."

The woman just widens her eyes when I speak fast "can you help me?" I say softly. She thinks about what I said and she smiles "oh I know just the thing."

She goes to the back to get the movie. She comes out with a movie. "Don't look at the title tell you get home but I know exactly what your going through."

She smiles "just buy some chocolates or something and you'll be just fine." I pay for it and thank her.

I hurry up and go buy some chocolate and popcorn and a little bit of wine cuz why not.

Once I get home I see he's not hear and I mentally scream. I take my shoes off and hurry up with everything.

I turn the lights off, I make some popcorn and I take the CD out the box. "50 sh-" before I could read it I hear him walk in.

"Hey." He smiles "hey. Ready?" I nod and he takes his shoes off and goes to my room changing his clothes.

He comes out in grey sweat pants and a black tank top. I swallow a bit but swat my thought away.

I'm in black sweat shorts and a black v neck. I grab the popcorn and give it to him. Then I grab a cup of wine and the bottle, setting it down.

"Oh what's this?" I look at him "oh this is mine." I pull out some chocolate and start to eat it.

I press play on the remote as the movie starts. "So what is it?" I smile "you'll see, it's perfect."

I just sit down and watch, as I'm watching I get confused. What exciting did the woman give me. Once I see the title I choke.

Shit shit shit. It's ok, it will be fine. It's just a movie not porn or anything. Just kinky shit.

As we watch I feel as if someone is staring at me. I drink some of my wine while watching trying to play cool.

If you play cool, he won't know you made a mistake.

Honestly I'm glued to the screen, never thought 50 shades of grey was actually decently good.

half way threw the movie, I can feel the air get tense. I grab my chocolate to eat.

Right before I eat it, Hoseok grabs my hand. He takes my hand and brings it right to his mouth.

He slowly eats the chocolate in my hands while looking at me.

Practically seductively, I look at him and blink swallowing hard. "Good?" He chuckles "yea good" he brings his thumb up to his lips as he licks his finger and stares at me.

I quickly turn to the TV watching the movie.
During the movie, because of stress, I decided to down the bottle.

"You tease just like him." Now drunk I point at the TV pouting. He smiles "that's the point." I huff "what does that mean?"

I roll my eyes "I can tease you just as bad." I take my cup of wine drinking some.

I go straight to him and kiss him giving him the wine I just drank. When I pull away I lick my lips and look at him.

He swallows and looks at me with wide eyes. "Your lips are sweet like chocolate... I like it." I clumsily climb on him and kiss him again.

This time Hoseok lays his legs down and softly grabs my hips. I lean in more giving him tongue. He moves his hand to the back of my head and deepens the kiss.

Without noticing I'm moving my body on top of his, practically grinding. I hear him groan threw the kiss and I smile.

I pull away from the kiss smirking, I put my finger on his chest. "Told you I can tease you back." He just stares at me, with lust filled eyes.

"Hey how come your eyes are always filled with flam....." I look to the TV to see the credits rolling. "WHAT!"

I huff "That's it? That was like only 30 minutes!" Hoseok laughs a bit "it was 2 hours kitten."

I get off of him and go to the DVD player. "That shits wack." I take the DVD out and put it in the box. "That lady gave me a weird movie." I mumble the sentence.

I get up stretching "ok bed now." I stumble to my room and fall on my bed passing out.

While Hoseok is on the couch wondering what just happened and how he was able to even make out with yoongi.

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