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WARNING, later on in this chapter, someone may self harm themselves. NOT because of depression but for a different reason that will make sense.

2 weeks later

It's been weeks since Jimin disappeared without a word, and weeks since I've really talked to anyone.

I just get pissed at them or give them the stink eye. I don't want to be near anyone and I don't want anyone to be near me, not until Jimin is back.

I tired asking Namjoon and Jin because there good friends with him but nothing. I've still tried to call him and text him but nothings different.

I'm just tired, I've also started to smoke again.
My constant daily routine is back to normal from 4 years ago.

Wake up, eat something, go to work, smoke, go home, get dressed, go to bar, drink a fuck ton and smoke more.

Then pass out and wake up somewhere. It's not healthy but I don't care. Today was no different. It was already after work and I wanted to get fucked up.

I go over to the bar and see Jackson again "you've been coming here a lot Yoongi." I just nod "you shouldn't drink so-" I look at him and stare "Dont tell me what the fuck to do, got it." He just gulps and nods. Before he starts making the stupid horny drink I stop him.

"Make me a drink, a hard drink." Jackson just nods. When he gives me a drink I gulp it down.

It was nice, I take some more gulps and sigh. I hear someone start to come over then grope my ass, my eyes somewhat widen.

"Whatcha doing here cutie?" I start to get pissed as I turn around and instantly choke him.

"I don't know, pretty good. How about you, cutie." I whisper in his ear and then knee him in the balls. "You look like your not doing to well." I snarl and sit back down.

I will say that yes I use to bottom before I met Jimin, I was a switch. But with him I turned dominant. It was nice having him under me, we use to have hot steamy sex but we all know how that went.

Jackson came over "I'm gonna ask you to leave sir, thats if you can even get up, pig." He spat at him and I just laughed and drank more of my drink.

"Jesus what makes that? Like the 5 time this week?" I just huff "6th." I hear a noise and look over to see Namjoon and Jin.

I just roll my eyes and internally scream a bit. "Hey Yoongi." Jin is just waving and I nod with a ugh at the end. Namjoon just shakes his head.

"How's life." I stare at him getting pissed, he just looks at me slightly moves back to Namjoon.

"Yoongi let's not." Namjoon says, I just roll my eyes "let's not, oh shut up, why would you say how's life to someone who clearly hates it right now." I take my now full drink and walk out.

"Oh....Yoongi...."Jin looks down and feels bad for that, he knows how much Yoongi misses Jimin but the fact he was so happy is because Jin met someone the other day that might be good for Yoongi.

As I'm walking home and drinking my drink, I just talk to myself and yell at myself, just looking down right crazy.

But what's new am I right. I go to the gas station and buy some snacks and more alcohol and then head to my house.

I sit on the couch and start to drink. Life sucks man. 3 years together and it's just fine. Are we broken up, are we still together? I don't even know, he just left and didn't say a word and it's fucking me up.

As I'm going threw my phone I click on Namjoon because he sent me a text apologizing, as I look at it I see a link.

I click on in and read it, it's about a demon and how to summon it, if I summon it then it will bend to my every word.

Sounds nice, I don't really believe in that shit but it doesn't hurt to try.

I read the directions, surprised I can even do this right now. I get 3 candles, I put them in a upside down triangle form.

Then I get some salt and sprinkle the tiniest amount. You get a market or anything to draw with and make a pentagon with a circle around it.

After that you kill your first born...... haha just joking, but you stand in the middle and chant "To the demon I am summoning, I bid the to rise from hell and do my bidding, you will be in my debt and pay for my regards. I will seek and use you as I please." Or some shit like that, as I cut any part of me for myself to bleed.

I decide to cut my wrist cause why not. As I do all of these steps I wait.....and wait......and wait...... but nothing happens.

At this point I go and lay down on the couch and drink a bottle of liquor. Apart of me wanted it to work.. I just wanted him back.

I feel myself pass out crying and saying "I just want him back."

After awhile the symbol on the ground lights up and out comes a demon. He looks around and sees a man laying on the couch.

"Is he the one I'm doing shit for?" He gets closer to the person and kneels down.

He brushes his hair from him face and smirks "Not bad, I think I'll grow to like him." He takes the mans arm and goes to the cut, licking it and drinking the mans blood healing him.

As the wound heals a mark appears on the back of the mans neck that only demons can see. The demon smiles and looks back at the man.

"Good thing your my type." And disappears.

Authors note

Sorry for the cringe that was the summoning 😂😂 I honestly didn't know what to do with that.

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