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4 months later

Things seem like they are ok, Jimin is always busy with work now, which is fine. It's his job.

I tend to miss him, I also sleep alone and wake up to him in my arms or him already working again. Some nights he doesn't even sleep.

Our fights aren't that bad, they could be worse. He still comes to me and talks about his stress and he still says sorry to me if he yells at me or anything.

We are doing just fine, we sometimes have dinner and we say I love you. We're doing great.

I head over to work and walk into the little kitchen we have. "Hey Yoongi.... Jesus man." I look at him a bit confused "What? Something on my face?" He just shakes his head "you look so drained man, you ok?"

I just sigh and then smile "Yea I'm doing fine, Jimin is just backed up a lot this month." Namjoon just sighs "That's not good man, he needs a break." I shake my head while I drink my coffee, god I've always hated the taste of coffee but I need to wake up.

"He can't miss it at all, if he does he will be held back even more." I just sigh again, taking my drink and starting my work.

I look at the time and back at my work. "Guess I'm doing a night shift." I start to work some more as I get tired.

By the time I'm done I look at the time and it says 1:24am. I stretch and pack my things. As I drive home I think about possibly seeing Jimin in bed when I get home.

God do I miss our little "us" time. I get home and open the door trying to be quiet. "Where have you been?" I look up and see Jimin drinking some tea.

"I was at work hun." He clenches his jaw "Not off with some bitch? Huh?" I frown my brows "Hunny what are you talking about?" He huffs out a laugh.

"What am I talking about? I know I don't give you attention anymore but that doesn't mean you should go out and meet with some BITCH!" I rub my forehead and look at him.

"Baby I was at wor-" he cuts me off "NO NO you weren't you were out probably fucking Namjoon or some bitch or WHOEVER!"

It's my turn to get pissed and look at him "Are you fucking serious?! NAMJOON! Or ANYONE?! I fucking LOVE YOU no one else! ARE YOU HEARING YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!" As I yell I can see him get scared so I try to calm myself down.

"Do you yoongs? Do you?" I just stare at him "Of course I do Jimin. Why wouldn't I?" He sighs and gets up "Can we just go to sleep?" I just nod and head to bed.

As I get in bed he moved over in a huff but lays on me. I move a bit more to get comfortable. But I forgot to plug my phone in so I hurry up and do that but once I do I hear a yell.

"CAN YOU STOP FUCKING MOVING!" I just look at Jimin "Baby not right now-" he sits up "Huh not right now? Then when? Because I'm tired of this shit."

I lay back "Of what?! ME MOVING!" He laughs "No the fact that you can't fucking sit still, you just can't stop can you. That's probably why you can't sit still in this relationship."

I yell a bit more "I'm sorry what?! What the fuck are you talking about?" He looks straight at me "That bitch your out fucking! THAT BITCH."

"OH MY FUCKING GOD JIMIN!! I'm not fucking anyone BUT YOU! And I'm not even doing that!!" He huffs and crosses his arms "Whatever I'll just fucking sleep outside. Have a nice fucking night."

"Yea run away like you always do!" I just keep walking "FUCK YOU."

I just lay on the couch with my hoodie on, I will say that saying fuck you wasn't the best thing but Jesus how can he even think that way.

I start to close my eyes and pass out. When I wake up I feel a heavy weight on my chest, I look down and see Jimin?

I smile a bit and pet his head. He makes a noise and slowly wakes up. "Morning." I just smile at him and he smiles back "Morning.... um I'm sorry." I look at him and sigh "I'm sorry as well hunny." We just smile and he kisses me.

I get up to start cooking breakfast when I hear those words I hate. "Could you bring me my food, I slept in to late and I have to go to work." I stop and close my eyes holding my breath then breath out.

"Ok hunny. I love you." He smiles and as he's walking "I love you to baby." I just sit at the table for a bit staring at the room.

I guess it's the same day again.

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