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It's been a week since that night the demon walked out of my room and I didn't call for him.

It seems as if he's become more distant and almost demon like. When I think about how he acted when I first met him, he would tend to act more like a human then a demon.

It feels lonely, but it feels as though it's getting closer to getting Jimin back. Maybe it won't take a year like he said.

It's 12:31 am now, Saturday morning, as I'm laying in my bed thinking. While I space out I feel my self drift into a nights rest.

"Do you ever think life lasts?" I stare into the night sky where a big moon lays "what do you mean?" I sigh "well you know how life seems to end and people will forget as if that one life never existed?" I don't even look at the person next to me.

"Yea I understand what you mean, I use to have the same thought." I just chuckle "I really want a place I can go to when ever my life no longer exists, I want it to be peaceful and I want nights just like these." I smile

"Where I'm not crying, not sad, not dreading life, not wondering when and why someone left and when they will come back." I stare onto the moon.

"That place sounds amazing." The faint silhouette says next to me. "Hey can you make me a promise?" I say "Yes anything?"

I stand up "If I were to ever find a place like that after I no longer exist, will you go with me?" I smile and turn to the person next to me.

"Of course, I'll follow you anywhere" just then the silhouette becomes clear and it's the demon, Hoseok.

I wake up from my dream with tears in my eyes and the moon shining threw my window. I'm confused wasn't it just 12:31 in the morning, it should be the sun not the moon.

I look at the time and I see that I slept a whole day. Woah. I stare at the moon as I'm memorized, I can feel tears start to drench my face. What is this? Why is it that I'm drawn to the moon like this?

I sigh as I decide to go onto my balcony. I stare at the moon and stars, just feeling the air breeze.

This very moment felt like bliss and for some reason his name chose to slip out of my mouth again "You silly demon, why are you in my dreams Hoseok." I snicker softly and lay my head on the rail just breathing ever so softly.

I hear foot steps behind me and stand next to me. I look up next to me and see the very demon next to me.

The moon shining on him while he stares at it as if consumed. It's almost calming "You seem as if you need a calm break." I just nodded "yea, though I didn't know id sleep the entire day."

He chuckles a bit "Yea, life is just a ruckus." I just nod "If only there was a place you could go that was peaceful and had nights like these."

My eyes widen as I look to him... did he just... he looks to me and just grins ever so softly as if a nice gesture.

I feel my heart become warm and that feeling of ecstasy comes back. What have you done to me you silly demon.

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