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9 months later

I wake up alone like usual, it use to be so rare, now it's practically everyday.

I get up go to the bathroom and wash my hair, I brush my teeth then get ready for work. I barley ever see Jimin anymore. It's almost like we're barley even a couple anymore.

I don't care to look myself in the mirror, or even check my clothes. I don't bother to really have breakfast and on most days I sometimes don't even bother to say goodbye to Jimin.

Not like he has time but I still love him so I try. "Hey baby." I knock on the door. Hes still working and looks exhausted. "I'm gonna head to work, I love you." He still working and doesn't even look at me "Uh huh love you too."

It hurts sometimes but it's ok, he's busy... like always. I grab my keys and head to work.

I rarely ever say hey to Namjoon, I just get my work done and go home. It's honestly not that bad, me and Jimin are doing fine..... it's just long relationship things....

I get done with work and look at the time, already time to go? Sweet I miss my bed.... and Jimin.

I head straight home and walk over to Jimins office "I'm home baby." He doesn't even acknowledge me. It's fine he's busy....

I head over to the bedroom, not in the mood to eat right now. I plop in the bed and just pass out. Nothing out of the ordinary for me. Just normal.

I wake up in the middle of the night to see Jimin still not in bed. I get up and walk over to his office. He's laying there passed out.

I leave to get him a blanket, I put the blanket over him and I give him a pillow. I just stare at him. I miss you "I love you, I hope we can be a couple again soon." I kissed him on the head and went back to bed.

It wasn't the first time I did that and it won't be the last but I can't help but cry when I remember how we use to be.

One year ago

"Oh my god stop Yoongi!" He just giggles and try's to push me off. "What? You deserve this, you didn't kiss me today."

He laughs and taps me to say he can't anymore, I just smile and lean in for a kiss. But he dodges it "Oh your getting it now."

Jimin smirks and gets up to run. I'm now chasing him around the new house we just bought not that long ago.

Just as he's about to lock himself in a room I grab him and lick his face "Ew what the fuck." I just chuckle "Thats what you get."

He just sighs "Disgusting." He wipes it off and then sits down to cuddle me. "I hope we never lose this, I love you yoongi." I pat him on the head and hug him "I don't wanna lose this either." I kiss him and lay down "I love you too Jimin."

We both smile as we pass out in each other's arms.

I feel a few droplets of water come from my eyes as I remember that day, it was true bliss and a happy relationship, god do I miss it.

I close my eyes fully as I pass out crying once more.

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