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It's been about two weeks and Hoseok has slowly be acting really nice to me, I don't really know why but I don't mind it.

On my end, I've been just wondering about Jimin like usual and figuring out how I can talk to him.

But more times then not the night ends with me and Hoseok talking about each other.

Namjoon and Jin seem a little more distant but like in a way of speaking not hanging out.

Whenever Hoseok is near, they just kinda shut up and watch him. Namjoon gives him a sympathy stare and Jin gives him more of a glare.

I get confused why everytime but it's not my place to know why.

Well other then that, it's another day in the office. I'm telling Hoseok when his meetings are and he's telling me the plans for how to talk to Jimin more.

Everything's been going great, but the more I think about it, the more I wish he wouldn't always talk about Jimin.

Well it is our deal so I can't really complain. He's just getting the job done so he can... leave...

I shake my head and continue working. "Yoongi." I look at Hoseok to see him standing up. "I've been calling you for awhile, are you ok?"

He walks over to me and puts his finger under my chin. He looks at me and then puts his forehead to mine.

I tense in the action and shut my eyes to calm myself down. "Well you don't have a fever, that's good."

He moves away and I feel the warmth pull away from me, it makes me want to just pull him back.

"We will be going out today" I look at him in a instant "What?" He takes his office coat and puts it on. "We are going out today, did you not hear me." He raises his brow.

I shake my head "No I heard you, sorry sir but why are we going out?" He smiles as he fixes his cuffs.

"We both need." He looks me up and down "new clothes.... and shoes." I follow his eyes to my body and scuff.

"I dress just fine thank you very much!" He just snickers "Well yes you may dress well but it never hurts to have more clothes."

I just nod at it but roll my eyes. "You may be right but we have meetings." He walks to the door.

"Cancel them." He says it straight catching me off guard as he exits the room. I quickly follow him confused.

"Woah, woah, woah. What do you mean cancel them, they are important are they not?" He presses the elevator button and looks behind him.

"They are.... but someone else is more important in my eyes." He steps in the elevator and practically stares into my eyes with a grin.

The elevator is about to shut when I stop it. "Nothing is more important then work." Hoseok looks at me and smirks.

He pushes me to the elevator wall and grabs my chin while his leg are in between mine, practically holding me up.

"I beg a differ, but I will say. Sometimes work does make things more entertaining." He goes to my ear and bites it.

I blush a bit at his movement tell I hear the elevator ding, signaling where at the bottom floor.

He slowly pushes off staring at me and then turns around to walk out. I breath in and out a couple times before fixing myself up and walking out.

Hoseok you demon, what's wrong with you.

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