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Another week went by and it's Saturday, I decided to text Namjoon and see if he wanted to hang out.

I haven't seen him since I got promoted to secretary. We chose to go out and chill at a club.

"Hey, Yoongi?" I look up to see Hoseok "Yes?"  He walks over to me, I kinda flitch as he dose. I don't know why but recently I get shy around him.

"So good news, looks like Jimins load of work is getting really low, so we can proceed quicker, our deal may end sooner then expected." I smile but something about it hurt.

"That's great, I hope he will want me back and everything, I mean I don't even know if we broke up but because of his work I'm sure he couldn't contact me or see me."

Hoseok face kinda falls but instantly goes back to normal. "Yea, but you're going out with your friends today right?" I nod.

"Yea were going to the club and chilling. He's the one who works at your company as well." He just mouths a ah and moves on.

I look at the time and decide to get ready. I decided to dress in cut up black jeans, the cuts go all the way up to my mid thigh.

I wear a flimsy silk black button up shirt that's unbuttoned all the way to my mid chest. I roll up my sleeves to my elbows.

I wear a nice black and slight white belt that hangs a bit off, with some black boots.

I slick my hair back but I keep it messy, giving myself a very slight cat eye and decided to give my self a nice small chain necklace.

Satisfied with myself I walk out putting a watch on. I look over to see Hoseok looking at me as I ruffle my hair, as a playful gesture, I wink at him, look him up and down while licking my lips slightly.

I look into his eyes and I see that fire in his eyes become bold. I just laugh at his reaction. I really wanna ask about that flame in his eyes but something is telling me not to ask.

"Alright well ima head out." He just nods "see ya later." Before I walk out I hear "Dont get to drunk!" I just chuckle at it.

I really don't mind this, I could get use to this, to us... no, Ha I'll have Jimin back soon.

I head over to the club and see Namjoon with Jin, so I quickly walk over. "Well damn, lookin like a new man aren't ya?" Jin makes a joke and I just huff.

"You seem a lot happier." I just nod slightly "It's only cause I got a promotion." I get hit in the arm by Namjoon.

"Yea jackass, whos dick did you suck to get there." I just laughed and made a lie that was a joke up. "The boss." Knowing damn well who it is but it's a joke so they won't care.

Namjoon just laughs and Jin practically coughs  his drink back up. I get confused on what happened but I just push it aside.

We decided to dance and it's fun, some people dance with me, I slightly flirt with others but my focus is on Jimin.

Me and Namjoon stay to dance as Jin goes to see a friend. Namjoon takes me over to a corner to smoke and talk.

"Na I'm good I don't smoke." Namjoon nods "hey did you ever try it out?" I look at him confused.

"Try out what?" He looks straight at me "The demon?" I look at him and then look away "Yea I did, he's been helping me with Jimin. So far I may get him back sooner the expected."

Namjoon nods and pats me on the back "that's good man, I hope you become happy no matter what happens" I just nod.

We decided to head over to Jin, I'm laughing with Namjoon tell I look up to try and see who Jin is talking to.

He's hot, his body is nicely sculpted and his arms definitely have muscles.

I check him out, he's wearing black boots, with black pants with cuts on his knees and a chain.

A black loose v neck shirt and a chain hanging from it, and what looks to be a leather jacket on the bars table.

Damn hot, I look up and I become speechless in who I see, why is he everywhere I go, always in my mind. I hate it but some how I've missed it.

He turns around and smirks at me "Well hello sexy." He laughs. "Oh do you know each other? Well, Yoongi meet my good friend Hoseok."

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