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I wake up at 12:10 pm yawning. I move around in bed and groan at the feeling of tight clothes on me.

I get out of bed and head to my kitchen ruffling my hair. I see Hoseok standing there and it makes me slightly smile.

"Hey." He waved because he had food in his mouth. "Where did you go last night." He shrugged "somewhere, just needed air." I nod.

"I know how that feels." I drink some tea I made and walk over to him laying my head on his shoulder.

"I'm going crazy, hopefully will get good news soon about Jimin." I rest my chin on his shoulder and smile. I lean and grab some of his food.

"Yeah." Hoseok gets up and puts his bowl up. "I'm gonna head out." I look at him with food in my mouth "Leaving already?"

He can't help but laugh. "Yea, gotta go get you good news." He winks and it sends a pain threw my chest.

"Aye my man haha." He leaves and I look out the window. I smile and drink my tea.

After awhile I'm just laying on my couch watching some movies. I texted Hoseok saying "don't work to hard haha." All he did was look at it.

I sigh, I sigh to much maybe I should get it checked out. I watch a movie, where a girl has a friend help her get her ex back but she and her friend end up getting together.

I thought it was cute and rooted for the friend the whole way. It kinda reminded me of my situation but a demon wouldn't fall for someone.

Plus I don't love anyone but Ho- Jimin......That was weird.

I Just lay there eating snacks, deciding to play on my phone. Today just feels really nice.

After awhile I look at the time and my eyes widen and look out the window. It's night time.

Jesus, that game was intense haha. I get up and walk to my room to go to my balcony.

"A place that's peaceful you say.... the person is closer to you then they seem.... " words and sayings run through my head "demons can't love.... they can't love..." I feel my heart drop a bit as I stare into the crescent moon.

"He misses me.... dose he." I closes my eyes and let out a deep breath "if I were to go anywhere it would be with you." I stop and remember my dream.

Why is it that your slowly taking up the places in my head that were Jimins. I may be blind but you confuse me you silly demon.

I sigh "when will Hoseok get back." I look up at the moon just laying my head on my hand. "I'm right here" I jump and turn around to see Hoseok.

"Nice to know you missed me, starting to think you hated me." He laughed and I had a slight blush.

"H-how did things go." He looked at me "wow not gonna even deny it." I widen my eyes "W-well no-" he chuckles again "I'm just messing with ya."

He stands next to me "you sure love staring at the moon." I look to him not letting go of the stare. "Yea, somehow I'm just drawn to it." He just hums.

"Well good news." I shake myself out of my trance "so what's that?" Hoseok looks at me.

"Jimin is staying with two of his friends, Jungkook and Taehyung. They seem to be helping him a lot and talking to him. His job is putting him on less hours and hes been able to go out more." I smile at the information.

"Though he went to a bakery and tears fell from his eyes." My heart dropped, that bakery huh. "His friends consoled him and he went in and got some sweets."

I just nodded. "That's good to hear, he still likes the sweets I use to give him." Hoseok looked at me again.

"What do you mean?" I looked back the moon "Well when we first started dating, I took him to a bakery that was new." I have a sad smile on my face.

"I introduced him to some certain sweets that I loved, every chance we got to go out after he got his job or when I had time, I'd buy him some. It was rare though." I laughed but it more seemed like air just coming out.

"I'm glad he still loves going, even if it's not with me." I feel a tear fall but I just wipe it away and look at my finger where the tear resides.

"Fun little memories that actually hold so much meaning. Thank you Hoseok, for the good news." I smile at him.

He's a bit taken back because I never really called him by his name at all, his eyes soften as he drops his head on his arms on the bar.

"Whatever makes you happy." He softly says with an ounce of sorrow. "Hm?" I didn't hear him. "It's the deal, of course I did it."

My smile drops from what he said as he turns around and walks off. Why is it always you walking off after putting a strain on my chest.

Authors note
Oh bby it's not just you!!

Dentist went well, gotta go back on June 4th😭

Bro I've been so tempted to just post the rest of the story but I gotta wait and give tension.

Spicy 😏 chapter coming soon!!!

Also if I were too post a new story what would you guys like?? Ship wise???

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