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After Jin knocked out, we quickly came in and woke him up.

After that we sat down and told them everything. Jin was in tears again and Joon was sad.

"You both are fucking idiots I hope you know that!" Jin says and we just nod.

"We missed you both so much and even though we talked to Yoongi before you Hoseok, dosent mean your in the right."

Joon rubbed Jins back as he also tried to hold back his tears, he was so happy me and Hoseok were ok now.

"God, I thought something happened to you Hoseok." Hoseok just laughed.

"Oh come on, me? Noooo." Jin throws and pillow at him. "SHUT UP!! You just disappeared!" Hoseok just lowers his head and nods.

"But I'm glad your ok, both of you. I'm also happy you guys are finally together." I blush and Hoseok smiles holding my hand.

"But you know you still have someone to tell." I look at him confused. "I know you may not want to see him but Jimin has a right to know if your ok."

I nod "he blamed himself for so long and even though it technically was his fault, I think it would help him to move on if he knew you were ok."

I nod again and look at Hoseok who gives me the ok.

"Can you call them over?" Jin nods and walks off to do so.

Not long after we hear a knock on the door. Jimin walked in with Tae and Jungkook.

"So why did you want me here-" Jimin falls silent as he notices me sitting down next to Hoseok.

I smile at him and tears filled his eyes. Even though I no longer love him, seeing him cry will always hurt me.

I hold my arms open and he comes over and hugs me tightly.

I spend the next few minutes telling him and his lovers what happened and Jimin cry's again.

"I think he's asleep." I brush Jimins hair as he lays in my lap asleep from crying so much.

"He missed you a lot, he felt bad for what he brought you too and realized what he did wrong."

I softly smile as I look down at him "Not a day went by where he would cling onto us crying. He's really happy that your ok."

I sigh and look up at them "Thank you." They look in confusion.

"For taking care of him where I failed. Maybe I was missing something or maybe I didn't do everything right."

They looked at me sadly "But don't worry, the only love I hold for him, is platonic. I no longer see him as my lover." They nod and smile.

" we never properly introduced ourselves." I smile.

"My name is Taehyung, I'm actually a old friend of Jimins and he asked to hang out the day of the falling out." I nod.

"I'm Jungkook, I was actually Taes boyfriend before I met Jimin. We are sorry again for what happened, if we knew what happened we wouldn't ha-"

I shut them up and shake my head "Don't be, because if you didn't then he could be depressed or even dead." They just nodded slowly.

"I'm glad he met you guys. Thank you Taehyung and Jungkook." They smile at me and we spend the rest of the day talking and hanging out.

Everyone felt happy again and just in the right place. It was no longer awkward between me and Jimin but Hoseok still has jealousy whenever Jimin came near me.

I would just laugh it off. Jimin was surprised that I bottomed for someone after so long and I could have sworn I was embarrassed right then and there.

After awhile we all decided to head home and say goodnight.

When I got home Hoseok picked me up and carried me to bed.

"Have you found your peaceful place?" I smile as I cuddle up to him. I let out a deep breath.

"I have, thank you for still loving me Hoseok." He kisses my fore head and closes his eyes.

"Thank you for loving a demon." When I closed my eyes, I swear it was the beat sleep I've ever had.

I'm happy I've met my silly demon, I love you Hoseok.

Authors note


I can't believe this!! I want to cry!!!

Thank you so much for joining me along the ride!

As I expressed many times, I finished this story before I even posted the first chapter.

So when ever I posted the chapters, I would read through them for mistakes and feel as if I was also a reader.

There were so many times where I forgot a part in my story and surprised myself 😂😂😂.

I even had to hold myself back from reading ahead lol.

But please stay looking out for another update!!

I have a special update coming soon!!!!

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