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We get to the mall and can I say the mall is huge, it all luxury brands and it's 4 stories tall.

Hoseok just somewhat smiles at my reaction which sends warmth to my heart.

We decided to go over to Louis Vuitton, Hoseok was looking at wallets, watches and even glasses.

He sees a really nice pair of glasses. He puts them on and looks at me and puts his flat hand under his chin.

I can't help but chuckle at it, he starts to frame his face with his hands as he does weird model faces.

I can't help but laugh, I try to keep it in because of how professional the store is but I can't help it.

Hoseok takes off his glasses and his eyes are crossed. I choke on my own laugh and cover my mouth.

"Well how do they look?" He says in a goofy voice and whips his head softly. I hold my mouth to contain laughter and give him a thumbs up.

He smiles and takes the glasses and grabs a wallet, walking to the register. "I will take these." The woman takes them and scans them.

"Yes sir." As she rings it up I can't help but occasionally stare at Hoseok. "That will be 1,500$." I choke a bit gaining her attention and she just smiles.

Hoseok gives her a black card and then takes his recite. He looks at the recite and sees that theres a number.

I look and he just laughs. "They don't learn do they." He flicks his finger and the recite the woman has catches fire.

I just look as we walk out the store, Jesus. Never learn? Does that happen often?

"Yes it does." Wait huh "how did you-" he looks at me "Everyone asks when they see ha. It happens a lot."

I just nod "well let's go to other stores." We go to plenty of stores, he buys me a few things I try to persuade him not to.

I even try to ask the lady to take it back, but she insists no. To lighten my mood he even plays around in some stores.

From messing with people with his stupid demon powers to putting on big jackets and walking as if it's a run way.

It's all really fun honestly, for a demon or even just a Ceo, he's very normal or in fact very likeable.

I hope he stays my boss even after the deal, I know I would miss his company.

"We are going here next." I just nod, it's Calvin Klein. I look around and see all the men advertised and get shy.

He looks at me and smiles "what you shy about, out of everyone in here, you have the best body." I go silent and he laughs "well expect me." I roll my eyes and snicker.

"Remember I've seen your body Yoongi, for someone who's more shy then showy. You have a sexy body." He looks at me.

"You even get a demon riled up." He looks into my eyes and grins. Haha that's a joke right? Even if I got a demon riled up, they'd probably eat me up.

Right? I look at Hoseok as he looks around and then looks at me. He picks up a pair and mouths 'Granny panties' I huff out a laugh and look away.

He smiles and I swear this is the most I've seen him smile. He grabs a few pairs and then he says something ,which makes the man working their, eyes go wide.

He goes into the back and then brings out a laced up black box. I walk up to the counter.

The worker sees I'm with Hoseok and smiles as if a knowing grin. I look puzzled as Hoseok looks at me.

"Don't worry about it, you'll find out later." He hands his black card and then we head out.

He walks straight for Gucci, I follow and he asks the people working there something. They come over to me and asks me to follow.

I look at him weird and he grins as he sits down spreading his arms out on the couch and crossing his legs.

Now that's a dominant pose if I saw one. I get put in a room as they give me clothes. They all range from edgy to classy.

I try on each one tell I come out with a all black fit. Black shirt with a grey and black cameo jacket. Black cargo pants and black boots.

(TEAR concert Yoongi)

I ruffle my hair and push it back. I kinda dig the outfit, I see Hoseok in the mirror, his arm went to his chin as he rubbed his chin and licked his lips.

I ignored it and took the jacket off. My arms were shown and so were some of my tattoos. Hoseok has seen me with my shirt off but it just hit different with a black outfit on.

"Will get it, if you have anymore outfits as well get those. Can you also ring up a red suit for him as well."

I look at him with wide eyes. "It's fine. I'm loaded." He gets up and walks behind me.

He puts his hand on my neck while behind me "thought so, it would look good with a choker or chain." He smirks and then let's go and walks to the register.

I freeze and breath in and out, I grab my neck and shiver. That felt to nice for my liking.

After he pays for everything we decided to just head home. Today was nice and I got to see a side of Hoseok I haven't seen, I wanna see more of it.

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